Bills Committee on
Gambling (Amendment) Bill 2000

Meeting on
Monday, 11 June 2001 at 4:30 pm
in Conference Room A of the Legislative Council Building

Revised Agenda

I.Matters arising from previous meetings

-Administration's response to members' concerns raised at the meeting on 5 June 2001 [Paper No. CB(2)1773/00-01(01) (Chinese version to follow)]

-Administration's further response to members' concerns raised at the meeting on 15 May 2001 [Paper No. CB(2)1773/00-01(02) (Chinese version to follow)]

II.Clause-by-clause examination of the Bill

Background papers

(a) The Bill circulated vide LC Paper No. CB(3)146/00-01 dated 10 November 2000;

(b) Marked-up copy of the relevant provisions of the Ordinance to be amended by the Bill [Paper No. CB(2)427/00-01(02)];

(c) The Legislative Council Brief dated 8 November 2000 issued by the Home Affairs Bureau [File Ref : HAB CR 1/17/93 Pt. 29];

(d) The Legal Service Division's Report on the Bill [LC Paper No. LS28/00-01 for the House Committee meeting on 24 November 2000];

(e)Assistant Legal Adviser's letter of 28 November 2000 to the Home Affairs Bureau seeking clarification on some legal and drafting aspects of the Bill [Paper No. CB(2)434/00-01(01)];

(f)Administration's response of 6 December 2000 to item (e) above [Paper No. CB(2)434/00-01(02)];

(g)Assistant Legal Adviser's letter of 8 December 2000 to the Home Affairs Bureau seeking further clarification on some legal and drafting aspects of the Bill [Paper No. CB(2)635/00-01(01)];

(h)Administration's response of 5 January 2001 to item (g) above [Paper No. CB(2)635/00-01(02)]; and

(i)Assistant Legal Adviser's letter of 7 June 2001 to the Home Affairs Bureau seeking clarifications about some provisions of the Bill [Paper No. CB(2)1773/00-01(03) (Chinese translation to follow)].

III.Any other business

Legislative Council Secretariat
9 June 2001