Bills Committee on Karaoke Establishments Bill

Second meeting to be held on Monday, 26 March 2001 at 5:00 pm
in Conference Room A of the Legislative Council Building


I. Meeting with deputations and the Administration

Meeting with deputations
(5:00 pm - 6:00 pm)

LC Paper No.
(a)The Karaoke Requirements Concern GroupCB(2)988/00-01(01)(issued)

(b)International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (Hong Kong Group) LimitedCB(2)1140/00-01(04) attached in CB(2)1140/00-01 (issued)

Meeting with the Administration
(5:00 pm - 7:00 pm)

(a)Written submissions received by the Bills Committee

(b)A summary of written submissions prepared by the Secretariat

CB(2)1153/00-01(01) (attached)
(c)Administration's response to issues raised at the meeting on 1 March 2001

CB(2)1153/00-01(02) (attached)

Other papers previously issued

(a)the Bill circulated vide LC Paper No. CB(3)334/00-01 dated 19 January 2001;

(b)the Legislative Council Brief issued by the Security Bureau on 10 January 2001 (File Ref : SBCR 2/1866/97 Pt. 20);

(c)the Legal Service Division Report on the Bill (LC Paper No. LS47/00-01 circulated vide LC Paper CB(2)829/00-01 dated 8 February 2001 for the House Committee meeting on 9 February 2001);

(d)marked-up copies of the relevant Ordinances (LC Paper No. CB(2)966/00-01(02)); and

(e)extract of the minutes of the meeting of the Panel on Security on 7 January 1999 (LC Paper No. CB(2)966/00-01(03)).

II. Date of next meeting

Legislative Council Secretariat
23 March 2001