The LegCo Reporter
Issue No. 5 (25 November 2004)

At its meeting on 24 November 2004, the Legislative Council passed the following resolution:
At the same meeting, the Council passed the following motion with no legislative effect:

    Motion on "Developing town planning and urban designs featuring local characteristics for the 18 districts", moved by Hon Patrick LAU Sau-shing as amended by Hon Alan LEONG Kah-kit

    "That, as the Hong Kong Planning Standards and Guidelines ('HKPSG') currently adopted by the Planning Department was first compiled in the 1960s and have since been in use with substantial revisions made only in 1974, most of the guidelines have become out of step with present-day circumstances, this Council urges the Government to thoroughly review the existing planning policy in partnership with civil society and under the primary principle of promoting public participation, and carry out long-term planning for Hong Kong in accordance with the concept of sustainable development, so as to break away from the present situation in which the use of land is dominated by private developers."