Panel on Education and Panel on Welfare Services

Joint meeting on Monday, 10 January 2005 from 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm
in the Chamber of the Legislative Council Building


I.Election of Chairman
(5:30 pm - 5:35 pm)

II.Provision of boarding places, senior secondary education and employment opportunities for children with special educational needs
(5:35 pm - 6:55 pm)

LC Paper No. CB(2)553/04-05(01)

--Paper provide by the Administration

Relevant papers

LC Paper No. CB(2)486/04-05; and LC Paper No. CB(2)501/04-05(01)

--Referral from Complaints Division in respect of the submission of the Parents' Alliance on Special Education System

Meeting with deputations and the Administration

  1. The Association of Parents of the Severally Handicapped

  2. 「爭取肢體弱能學校開辦住宿/暫宿服務」關注組
    [LC Paper No. CB(2)581/04-05(01)] (Chinese version only)

  3. The Hong Kong Joint Council of Parents of the Mentally Handicapped

  4. Parents' Alliance on Special Education System
    [LC Paper No. CB(2)627/04-05(01)] (Chinese version only)

  5. Hong Kong Association for Parents of Persons with Physical Disabilities

  6. Haven of Hope Sunnyside School
    [LC Paper No. CB(2)560/04-05(01)] (Chinese version only)

  7. The Special Education Society of Hong Kong
    [LC Paper No. CB(2)560/04-05(02)] (revised)(Chinese version only)

  8. Hong Kong Council of Social Service
    [LC Paper No. CB(2)601/04-05(01)] (Chinese version only)

  9. Hong Kong Special Schools Council
    [LC Paper No. CB(2)627/04-05(02)] (Chinese version only)

  10. Hong Kong Association for Specific Leaning Disabilities
    [LC Paper No. CB(2)608/04-05(01)] (Chinese version only)

  11. The Parents' Association of Pre-School Handicapped Children

  12. Hong Chi Association
    [LC Paper No. CB(2)601/04-05(02)] (Chinese version only)

Written submissions from organizations not attending the meeting

LC Paper No. CB(2)627/04-05(03)
(Chinese version only)

--Written submission from Hong Kong Special School Boarding Care Staff Association

III.Any other business
(6:55 pm - 7:00 pm)

Council Business Division 2
Legislative Council Secretariat
12 January 2005