The Hong Kong Broadcasting Scene - 4 Penetration of Different Broadcasting Services14 Hong Kong as a Stepping Stone into the Mainland Market13 Other Licensable Television Programme Services12 Hong Kong as a Regional Broadcasting Hub11 Compliance with Regulatory Requirements10 Advertising Modes9 Programmes for Minority Ethnic Groups in Hong Kong8 Programme Genres7 Programme Sources6 Investment in TV Industry5 Broadcasting revenues4 Penetration of Different Broadcasting Services3 Transmission Modes2 The Broadcasting Landscape1 History

Out of a total of 2.24 million households in Hong Kong as at August 200511, 2.22 million television households12 or 6.57 million viewers (aged 4 or above)13 were receiving free-to-air television, representing a penetration rate of above 99%.

The total number of subscribers to licensed pay television services continued to rise. The penetration of the licensed domestic pay television services in terms of the aggregate subscribers was 54.5% of the total households as at end of August 2005, an increase of 10% for the previous year.

Figure 11 : Penetration of Licensed Television Services in Hong Kong


The year 2004-2005 saw a significant increase in the number of total subscribers to the licensed pay television services from 990,000 to 1,220,000 (or 23% increase)14. The changes in total subscribers from 2000 to 2005 are shown in Figure 12.

Figure 12 : Subscribers to Licensed Pay Television Services in Hong Kong


11   Source : Census and Statistics Department.
12   Source: Nielsen Media Research. "Television households" means the number of households with at least a TV set in working order or one not in working order but will be repaired in 7 days.
13   Source: Nielsen Media Research.
14   The total number of subscribers includes multiple counts as some may have subscribed to more than one service.
