Panel on Food Safety and Environmental Hygiene and
Panel on Environmental Affairs

Joint meeting on Tuesday, 17 January 2006
to be held immediately after the regular meeting of the
Panel on Food Safety and Environmental Hygiene (at around 5:00 pm)
in the Chamber of the Legislative Council Building

Updated agenda

I.Election of Chairman
(5:00 pm - 5:05 pm)

* II.The Administration's response on the reorganisation plan for the food safety regulatory framework
(5:05 pm - 6:25 pm)

LC Paper No. CB(2) 863/05-06(01)
(Issued on 13 January 2006)

-Paper provided by the Administration

LC Paper No. CB(2) 863/05-06(02)
(English version issued on 13 January 2006, Chinese version attached)

-Summary of views and suggestions given by deputations at the joint meetings on 15 December 2005 and 6 January 2006 prepared by the Legislative Council (LegCo) Secretariat

LC Paper No. IN11/05-06
(English version attached, Chinese version to follow)

-Information note prepared by Research and Library Services Division of LegCo Secretariat on "Authorities responsible for food safety regulation and agriculture/fisheries promotion in selected places"

LC Paper No. IN10/05-06

-Information note prepared by Research and Library Services Division of LegCo Secretariat on "The regulatory framework of food safety in Singapore"

LC Paper No. IN09/05-06

-Information note prepared by Research and Library Services Division of LegCo Secretariat on "Government's policies on agriculture and fishery industries in Taiwan"

Relevant papers previously issued

LC Paper No. CB(2) 464/05-06(01)
(Issued on 22 November 2005)

-Paper provided by the Administration on "Reorganization Plan for the Food Safety Regulatory Framework and Integration of Nature Conservation with Environment Protection Functions"

LC Paper No. CB(2) 699/05-06(04)
(Issued on 14 December 2005)

-Letter dated 12 December 2005 from the Administration providing information on the new cooperation arrangement signed with the Mainland China on food safety, inspection and quarantine of animals and plants

LC Paper No. CB(2) 699/05-06(05)
(Issued on 14 December 2005)

-Letter dated 12 December 2005 from the Administration providing information on the number of non-civil servant contract staff in the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department and Food and Environmental Hygiene Department

III.Any other business
(6:25 pm - 6:30 pm)

* Members of the Panel on Health Services and all other LegCo Members are invited to join the discussion of this item.

Council Business Division 2
Legislative Council Secretariat
16 January 2006