Committee on Members' Interests

Second Meeting
on Friday, 2 January 2009 at 10:45 am
in Conference Room B of the Legislative Council Building


*I.Briefing on the draft advisory guidelines on matters of ethics in relation to the conduct of Members and the draft procedure of the Committee on Members' Interests for handling complaints received
(10:45 am - 11:45 am)

LC Paper No. CMI/12/08-09

-Background brief on advisory guidelines on matters of ethics in relation to the conduct of Members

LC Paper No. CMI/13/08-09

-Background brief on the procedure of the Committee on Members' Interests for handling complaints received

LC Paper No. CMI/11/08-09
(issued on 10 December 2008)

-Circular on invitation of Members' views on the draft advisory guidelines and the draft procedure for handling complaints and invitation for Members to attend a related briefing session

II.Confirmation of minutes

LC Paper No. CMI/14/08-09

-Draft minutes of the first meeting held on 20 November 2008

III.Any other business

IV.Date of next meeting

* All other Members who are not CMI members have been invited to join the meeting for this item

Council Business Division 3
Legislative Council Secretariat
30 December 2008