Bills Committee on Securities and Futures and Companies Legislation (Structured Products Amendment) Bill 2010

Membership List

ChairmanHon Starry LEE Wai-king, JP

Members Hon Albert HO Chun-yan

Hon James TO Kun-sun

Hon CHAN Kam-lam, SBS, JP

Hon Miriam LAU Kin-yee, GBS, JP

Hon Audrey EU Yuet-mee, SC, JP

Hon WONG Ting-kwong, BBS, JP

Hon Ronny TONG Ka-wah, SC

Hon CHIM Pui-chung

Hon Mrs Regina IP LAU Suk-yee, GBS, JP

(Total : 10 Members)

ClerkMs Anita SIT

Legal AdviserMr KAU Kin-wah