Committee on Members' Interests

Fifth Meeting
on Friday, 7 January 2011 at 3:00 pm
(or immediately after the House Committee
meeting at 2:30 pm, whichever is the later)
in Conference Room B of the Legislative Council Building


I.Modification of the procurement procedures stipulated in the Reimbursement Guide for Legislative Council Members

LC Paper No. AS 60/10-11
(issued on 22 November 2010)

-Proposal for revision of the procurement provisions in the guidelines for reimbursement of Legislative Council Members' operating expenses

II.Outcome of further consultation with Members on the handling of anonymous complaints and allegations reported by the media against individual Members

LC Paper No. CMI/17/10-11
(issued on 15 November 2010)

-Outcome of further consultation with Members on the handling of anonymous complaints and allegations reported by the media against individual Members

III.Requirements and related arrangements for the registration and disclosure of Members' interests

LC Paper No. RP02/10-11
(issued on 22 November 2010)

-Requirements and related arrangements for the registration and disclosure of Members' interests in selected overseas legislatures

IV.Any other business

V.Date of next meeting

Council Business Division 3
Legislative Council Secretariat
8 December 2010