Panel on Transport

Meeting on
Friday, 28 January 2011, at 8:30 am
in Conference Room A of the Legislative Council Building

Revised agenda
(as at 27 January 2011)

I.Confirmation of minutes
(8:30 am - 8:35 am)

LC Paper No. CB(1)942/10-11
(issued vide LC Paper No. CB(1)943/10-11 on 7 January 2011)

-Minutes of special meeting on 9 November 2010

LC Paper No. CB(1)1159/10-11
(issued vide LC Paper No. CB(1)1160/10-11)

-Minutes of meeting on 26 November 2010

II.Information papers issued since last meeting

LC Paper No. CB(1)912/10-11(01)
(issued on 24 December 2010)

-Administration's paper on standing passengers on canvassing vehicles

LC Paper No. CB(1)887/10-11(01)
(issued on 28 December 2010)

-Administration's paper on tender exercise for occupation and use of Tuen Mun Ferry Terminal for operation of cross boundary passenger ferry services

LC Paper No. CB(1)918/10-11(01)
(issued on 28 December 2010)

-Administration's paper on Route 3 (Country Park Section) tolls

LC Paper No. CB(1)1041/10-11(01)
(issued on 12 January 2011)

-Submission from a member of the public complaining about the driving attitude of a driver of green minibus route no. 56 (English version only) (Restricted to members)

LC Papers Nos. CB(1)1041/10-11(02), (03) and (04)
(issued on 12 January 2011)

-Submissions from members of the public objecting to stopping the operation of the bus terminus at Central Ferry Pier (Chinese version only) (Restricted to members)

LC Paper No. CB(1)1041/10-11(05)
(issued on 12 January 2011)

-Submission from a member of the public complaining about the frequency of KMB Route 297 (Chinese version only) (Restricted to members)

LC Paper No. CB(1)1041/10-11(06)
(issued on 12 January 2011)

-Submission from Citybus Limited/New World First Bus Services Limited objecting to increasing the number of seats of public light buses from the present 16 to 20 (Chinese version only) (Restricted to members)

LC Paper No. CB(1)1119/10-11(01)
(issued on 20 January 2011)

-Submission from a member of the public on relocation of bus stops along Mongkok Road (Chinese version only) (Restricted to members)

LC Paper No. CB(1)1119/10-11(02)
(issued on 20 January 2011)

-Submission from a member of the public complaining about the installation of traffic lights at the junction of King Cho Road and Lim Cho Street (Chinese version only) (Restricted to members)

LC Paper No. CB(1)1119/10-11(03)
(issued on 20 January 2011)

-Submission from Taxi & P.L.B. Concern Group demanding issue of more passenger service licences for public light buses (Chinese version only) (Restricted to members)

LC Papers Nos. CB(1)1145/10-11(01) and (02)
(issued on 24 January 2011)

-Memos referring to the Panel the views and concerns raised by Kwun Tong District Council members at their meeting-cum-luncheon with LegCo Members on 13 May 2010 respectively about the provision of hillside escalator links and elevator systems in Kwun Tong, and transport problems in Choi Ying Estate and Choi Fook Estate (Chinese version only) (Restricted to members)

III.Items for discussion at the next meeting scheduled for 25 February 2011

LC Paper No. CB(1)1130/10-11(01)
(issued on 25 January 2011)

-List of outstanding items for discussion

LC Paper No. CB(1)1130/10-11(02)
(issued on 25 January 2011)

-List of follow-up actions

IV.Enhanced implementation of random breath testing
(8:35 am - 9:20 am)

LC Paper No. CB(1)1130/10-11(03)
(issued on 21 January 2011)

-Administration's paper on enhanced implementation of random breath testing

LC Paper No. CB(1)1136/10-11
(issued on 24 January 2011)

-Paper on random breath test(Background brief)

V.Highway repair and maintenance: current approach and future development
(9:20 am - 10:00 am)

LC Paper No. CB(1)1130/10-11(04)
(issued on 24 January 2011)

-Administration's paper on highway repair and maintenance by Highways Department - current approach and future development

VI.Regulation of cyclists in the use of safety equipment
(10:00 am - 10:25 am)

LC Paper No. CB(1)1130/10-11(05)
(issued on 21 January 2011)

-Administration's paper on cycling safety and use of safety equipment for cyclists

LC Paper No. CB(1)1137/10-11
(issued on 25 January 2011)

-Paper on promotion of cycling safety (Background brief)

LC Paper No. CB(1)1174/10-11(01)
(issued on 26 January 2011)

-Submission from We-Think (Policy Research) Network (Chinese version only) (Restricted to members)

VII.Any other business
(10:25 am - 10:30 am)

Council Business Division 1
Legislative Council Secretariat
27 January 2011