Panel on Welfare Services and Panel on Housing

Joint meeting on Friday, 13 April 2012, at 10:45 am
in Conference Room 1 of the Legislative Council Complex

Revised agenda
(as at 16 April 2012)

I.Election of Chairman
(10:45 am - 10:50 am)

II.Housing needs of street sleepers
(10:50 am - 12:40 pm)

LC Paper No. CB(2)1601/11-12(01)
(issued on 2 April 2012)

-Paper provided by the Administration

LC Paper No. CB(2)1601/11-12(02)
(issued on 2 April 2012)

-Background brief prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat

Deputations attending

  1. Society for Community Organization
    LC Paper No. CB(2)1601/11-12(03) (issued on 2 April 2012) (Chinese version only)

  2. Right for Homeless Concern Group

  3. Returning Hong Kong Concern Group

  4. Right for Singleton Concern Group

  5. Hong Kong Chinese Civil Servants' Association, Social Work Officer Grade Branch
    LC Paper No. CB(2)1664/11-12(01) (attached) (Chinese version only)

  6. Christian Concern for the Homeless Association
    LC Paper No. CB(2)1664/11-12(02) (attached) (Chinese version only)

  7. The Salvation Army, Integrated Service for Street Sleepers
    LC Paper No. CB(2)1664/11-12(03) (attached) (Chinese version only)

  8. St. James' Settlement, Integrated Service Team for Street Sleepers
    LC Paper No. CB(2)1719/11-12(01) (attached) (Chinese version only)

  9. The Hong Kong Council of Social Service
    LC Paper No. CB(2)1719/11-12(02) (attached) (Chinese version only)

  10. Hong Kong Social Workers' General Union
    LC Paper No. CB(2)1719/11-12(03) (attached) (Chinese version only)
III.Any other business
(12:40 pm - 12:45 pm)

Council Business Division 2
Legislative Council Secretariat
16 April 2012