Panel on Housing

Special meeting on
Saturday, 21 March 2015, at 9:00 am
in Conference Room 1 of the Legislative Council Complex

Revised agenda
(as at 20 March 2015)


Receiving public views on the Long Term Housing Strategy and housing-related initiatives in the 2015 Policy Address

(9:00 am - 4:10 pm)

Deputations/individuals attending the meeting

Session 1 (9:00 am – 11:10 am)

1. Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong

2. Miss Rita KWAN Wing-yee

3. Miss Vanessa WONG Yuk-ting

4. Miss Kanley TSANG King-lai

5. Mr Julian KAN Chi-Chung

6. The Hong Kong Council of Social Service

7. Ms LEE Wai-ming

8. Mr SO Wing-lap

9. 東區住屋組

10. 油麻地住屋組

11. 長沙灣住屋組

12. 西灣河住屋組

13. 鰂魚涌住屋組

14. 北角住屋組

15. 筲箕灣區基層住屋組

16. 筲箕灣住屋組

17. 東大街住屋組

18. 柴灣住屋組

19. 葵涌低收入基層關注組

20. 葵涌不適切居所關注組

21. 葵涌關注劏房小組

22. 葵涌劏房戶平台

23. 葵涌劏房戶關注組

24. 葵涌劏房住客聯盟

25. 葵涌低收入劏房住戶聯盟

26. 葵涌基層房屋關注組

27. Mr Jacky LIM

28. Federation of Public Housing Estates

29. Tenants Mutual Help Group
LC Paper No. CB(1)636/14-15(01) (Chinese version only) (issued on 13 March 2015)

30. Sai Ying Pun Housing Concern Group
LC Paper No. CB(1)636/14-15(02) (Chinese version only) (issued on 13 March 2015)

31. 西環被逼遷租客大會

32. 全港基層住屋大聯盟

33. 西區租客組

34. 土瓜灣基層租客關注組

35. 土瓜灣基層家庭生活組

36. 觀塘無奈苦等公屋街坊會
LC Paper No. CB(1)663/14-15(01) (Chinese version only) (attached)

37. Ms CHAK Siu-king

38. Ms CHEN Zhi-hui

39. Mr WU Christopher

Break (11:10 am – 11:20 am)

Session 2 (11:20 am – 1:00 pm)

40. The Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions Social Affairs Committee

41. 東京街/福榮街居民小組

42. 西九龍住屋權益關注組

43. 深水埗未來房屋資源關注組

44. 西九龍劏房居民大聯盟

45. 關注受房屋署寬敞戶政策壓迫精神情緒居民關注組

46. 葵聯邨關注組

47. 葵盛東邨重建戶受害人關注組

48. Mr CHAN Yat-tung

49. 公屋被迫遷戶關注組

50. Miss MAI Chung-ping

51. 石籬邨被迫遷戶關注組

52. Care-taker Concern Group

53. 捍衛被迫遷戶居住權聯盟

54. New People's Party

55. Ms YAU Mei-po

56. Ms CHING Hang-ying

57. Liberal Party

58. Liberal Party Youth Committee

59. 衞城房屋關注組

60. Mr Eric CHUNG

61. Grassroots Development Centre

62. Alliance for Defending the Grassroots Housing Rights

63. 葵涌邨居民權益關注組

64. 利安邨利華樓互委會
LC Paper No. CB(1)663/14-15(02) (Chinese version only) (attached)

65. 青年置業問題關注組

66. Equal Access Group

67. Diocesan Pastoral Centre for Workers (Kowloon)

68. Ethnic Minority Concern Group on Equal Access to Government Services

69. A.I.M. Group

70. Mr LAI Kin-kwok

Lunch break (1:00 pm – 2:00 pm)

Session 3 (2:00 pm – 4:10 pm)

71. Mr CHAI Man-hon

72. Miss June CHEUNG

73. Mr Rocky WONG

74. ---

75. 新界西大荒漠公屋窮丁丁廢青關注組

76. Youth Housing Policy Monitor

77. Subdivided Flats Youth Support Rent Control Blog

78. 息即是兇凶即是息無住寺

79. Monitoring Future Privately Offered Fund's Tax Evasion Team

80. Buy-to-Let Investigation League

81. Youth Housing Policy Analysis Network

82. No Flat Slaves

83. Platform concerning subdivided flats and issues in Hong Kong

84. The Lion Rock Institute

85. The Democratic Party

86. 大角咀惡劣居所關注組

87. 大角咀劏房租金關注組

88. 大角咀劏房關注組

89. 大角咀劏房權益關注組

90. Land Justice League

91. Ms Rita CHEUNG

92. Civic Party

93. Alliance for Concerning Grassroots Housing Rights

94. Wan Chai Housing Group

95. Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong Diocesan Pastoral Centre for Workers (New Territories)

96. North District Low Income Concern Group

97. 石湖墟長遠房屋策略關注組

98. 北區公屋輪候關注組

99. 北區勞工劏房關注組

100. 關注上水劏房聯盟

101. 北區劏房戶權益關注組

102. 關注香港房屋發展聯席

103. Concern North Point Housing Group

104. 劏房研究小組

105. 西區租務權益居民組

106. 青少年公屋重建關注組

107. Mr CHAN Kam-wai

108. Ms LI SHEE-lin

Submission from deputation not attending the meeting

LC Paper No. CB(1)636/14-15(03)
(issued on 13 March 2015)

-Submission from To Kwa Wan Ekta Housing Concern Group

Relevant papers

LC Paper No. CB(1)352/14-15(01)
(issued for the meeting on 5 January 2015)

-"Long Term Housing Strategy" and "Long Term Housing Strategy Implementation Milestones as at December 2014" published by the Transport and Housing Bureau

LC Paper No. CB(1)384/14-15(03)
(issued for the meeting on 5 January 2015)

-Background brief on "Long Term Housing Strategy" prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat

LC Paper No. CB(1)437/14-15(01)
(issued for the meeting on 2 February 2014)

-Administration's paper on "Housing-related initiatives in the 2015 Policy Address and Policy Agenda"


Any other business

(4:10 pm - 4:15 pm)

Council Business Division 1
Legislative Council Secretariat
20 March 2015