Subcommittee on Rights of Ethnic Minorities

Third meeting to be held on Monday, 12 December 2016,
from 2:00 pm to 4:30 pm
in Conference Room 1 of the Legislative Council Complex

Revised Agenda
(as at 12 December 2016)


Education for children of ethnic minorities ("EM") - implementation progress of the "Chinese language as the second language" curriculum, placement of EM students and support measures to these students and to schools admitting them

(2:00 pm - 4:20 pm)

Administration's response to issues raised at the last meeting

LC Paper No. CB(2)338/16-17(01)

-Administration's response to issues raised at the last meeting on 23 November 2016

(A list of relevant papers previously issued is available on the Legislative Council website at

Meeting with deputations and the Administration

Submissions from deputations/individuals attending the meeting

Submissions from deputations/individuals not attending the meeting


Application for late membership

(4:20 pm - 4:25 pm)

LC Paper No. CB(2)245/16-17(01)
(issued on 22 November 2016)

-Letter dated 21 November 2016 from Hon Dennis KWOK Wing-hang


Any other business

(4:25 pm - 4:30 pm)

Council Business Division 2
Legislative Council Secretariat
12 December 2016