Subcommittee on Rights of Ethnic Minorities

Tenth meeting to be held on Monday, 10 July 2017,
from 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm
in Conference Room 2 of the Legislative Council Complex

Revised Agenda
(as at 5 July 2017)


Poverty problem of ethnic minorities

(2:30 pm - 4:55 pm)

LC Paper No. CB(2)1571/16-17(01)
(issued on 6 June 2017)

-Paper provided by the Administration

LC Paper No. FS08/16-17
(issued on 9 June 2017)

-Fact sheet on "Poverty of ethnic minorities in Hong Kong" prepared by the Research Office of the Legislative Council Secretariat

Meeting with deputations and the Administration

Session One (2:30 pm - 3:45 pm)

Break (3:45 pm - 3:50 pm)

Session Two (3:50 pm - 4:55 pm)

Submissions from deputations/individuals attending the meeting

Submissions from deputations/individuals not attending the meeting

(A list of relevant papers previously issued is available on the Legislative Council website at


Any other business

(4:55 pm - 5:00 pm)

Extension of period of work

Council Business Division 2
Legislative Council Secretariat
5 July 2017