FROM 8:30 A.M. TO 12:30 P.M.

Item No.Subject
1.EC(2018-19)22@Legend symbol denoting Items carried over from the meetings held on 19 December 2018, 9, 23 January and 15 February 2019. Proposed creation of one supernumerary post of Senior Principal Executive Officer (D2) in the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department with immediate effect upon approval of the Finance Committee up to 29 June 2022 for the implementation of the regulatory regime on private columbaria

(In attendance: Under Secretary for Food and Health/Principal Assistant Secretary for Food and Health (Food)/Head, Private Columbaria Affairs Office, Food and Environmental Hygiene Department)

(Discussed by the Panel on Food Safety and Environmental Hygiene on 13.2.2018)

(Discussed by the Establishment Subcommittee on 15.2.2019)

2.EC(2018-19)23@Legend symbol denoting Items carried over from the meetings held on 19 December 2018, 9, 23 January and 15 February 2019. Proposed retention of two supernumerary posts of one Administrative Officer Staff Grade C (D2) in the Security Bureau and one Assistant Director of Immigration (GDS(C)2) in the Immigration Department with effect from 1 April 2019 or upon approval of the Finance Committee (whichever is later) to 31 March 2022 to continue steering the comprehensive review of handling non-refoulement claims and to step up relevant measures

(In attendance: Under Secretary for Security/Deputy Secretary for Security/Principal Assistant Secretary for Security (Review)/Deputy Director of Immigration/Acting Assistant Director of Immigration (Removal Assessment and Litigation))

(Discussed by the Panel on Security on 2.11.2018)

(Submission from Hon AU Nok-hin (ESC43/18-19(01)) (Chinese version only) issued on 3 January 2019)

3.EC(2018-19)24#Legend symbol denoting Items carried over from the meetings held on 23 January and 15 February 2019. Proposed retention of three supernumerary posts of one Principal Government Engineer (D3) and one Administrative Officer Staff Grade C (D2) in the Home Affairs Bureau; and one Chief Engineer (D1) in the Civil Engineering and Development Department with effect from 1 April 2019 or upon approval of the Finance Committee (whichever is later) up to 31 March 2023 to continue to monitor and facilitate the implementation of the West Kowloon Cultural District (WKCD) project and to drive the implementation of the integrated basement and government infrastructure projects in WKCD

(In attendance: Permanent Secretary for Home Affairs/Deputy Secretary for Home Affairs/Project Manager (Home Affairs Bureau)/Principal Assistant Secretary for Home Affairs (West Kowloon Cultural District)/Project Manager (South), Civil Engineering and Development Department/Chief Engineer (South), Civil Engineering and Development Department)

(Discussed by the Joint Subcommittee to Monitor the Implementation of the West Kowloon Cultural District Project on 11.6.2018)

(Supplementary information paper (CB(1)123/18-19(01)) provided by the Administration to the Joint Subcommittee)

4.EC(2018-19)25#Legend symbol denoting Items carried over from the meetings held on 23 January and 15 February 2019. Proposed retention of one supernumerary post of Administrative Officer Staff Grade B (D3) in the Civil Aviation Department with effect from 1 April 2019 or upon approval by the Finance Committee (whichever is later) to 31 March 2025 to continue strengthening the senior management of the Department

(In attendance: Deputy Secretary for Transport and Housing (Transport)/Director-General of Civil Aviation/Deputy Director-General of Civil Aviation)

(Discussed by the Panel on Economic Development on 26.11.2018)

(Supplementary information paper (CB(4)368/18-19(01)) provided by the Administration to the Panel)

5.EC(2018-19)26#Legend symbol denoting Items carried over from the meetings held on 23 January and 15 February 2019. Proposed creation of one permanent post of Principal Government Engineer (D3) and making permanent of one Government Engineer (D2) supernumerary post in the Works Branch of the Development Bureau with effect from 1 April 2019 or upon approval of the Finance Committee (whichever is later) to lead the new Project Strategy and Governance Office for implementing strategic initiatives and enhancing capabilities in cost surveillance and project governance

(In attendance: Permanent Secretary for Development (Works)/Head of Project Cost Management Office, Development Bureau/Chief Assistant Secretary (Works), Development Bureau)

(Discussed by the Panel on Development on 27.11.2018)

(Supplementary information papers (CB(1)347/18-19(01) and CB(1)465/18-19(01)) provided by the Administration to the Panel)

6.EC(2018-19)27#Legend symbol denoting Items carried over from the meetings held on 23 January and 15 February 2019. Proposed making permanent of one Administrative Officer Staff Grade C (D2) supernumerary post in the Environment Bureau with effect from 29 April 2019 or with immediate effect upon approval of the Finance Committee, whichever is later to continue to take forward tasks in relation to the promotion of renewable energy and long term development of the electricity market

(In attendance: Deputy Secretary for the Environment/Principal Assistant Secretary for the Environment (Electricity Reviews)/Principal Assistant Secretary for the Environment (Energy)/Assistant Secretary for the Environment (Electricity Reviews))

(Discussed by the Panel on Environmental Affairs on 26.11.2018)

7.EC(2018-19)28#Legend symbol denoting Items carried over from the meetings held on 23 January and 15 February 2019. Proposed making permanent of one Principal Economist (D2) supernumerary post in the Office of the Government Economist under the Financial Secretary's Office with effect from 13 May 2019 or with immediate effect upon approval by the Finance Committee, whichever is later to continue to conduct economic analyses and researches in areas of poverty, welfare and population

(In attendance: Government Economist, Financial Secretary's Office/Principal Economist(5), Financial Secretary's Office/Principal Economist(4), Financial Secretary's Office)

(Discussed by the Panel on Public Service on 17.12.2018)


@ Items carried over from the meetings held on 19 December 2018, 9, 23 January and 15 February 2019.

# Items carried over from the meetings held on 23 January and 15 February 2019.