3:15 PM AND 3:30 PM)NOTELegend symbol denoting If the preceding House Committee meeting ends before 3:15 pm, the Finance Committee meeting will start at 3:15 pm; if the preceding House Committee meeting ends between 3:15 pm and 3:30 pm, the Finance Committee meeting will start immediately after the House Committee meeting. TO 7:00 PM

Pecuniary interest : Please refer to Rules 83A and 84 of the Rules of Procedure of the Legislative Council for rules regarding pecuniary interest to be disclosed and voting in case of direct pecuniary interest.

Item No.Subject
1.FCR(2018-19)61*Legend symbol denoting Items carried over from the meeting held on 30 November 2018. RECOMMENDATION OF THE ESTABLISHMENT SUBCOMMITTEE MADE ON 31 OCTOBER 2018

(EC(2018-19)13#Legend symbol denoting Items requested by members for discussion and separate voting by the Finance Committee. - Creation of one permanent post of Consultant (D4/D3/D2) in the Department of Health in enhancing the overall clinical supervision, planning, development and operation of Families Clinics)

(This item seeks approval of the recommendation of the Establishment Subcommittee made at its meeting held on 31 October 2018.)

(In attendance : Deputy Secretary for the Civil Service 2/Director of Health)

(This item was discussed by the Panel on Public Service on 19 March 2018)

(This item was discussed by the Establishment Subcommittee on 31 October 2018 and information paper ESC22/18-19(01) has been provided by the Administration to the Subcommittee)

2.FCR(2018-19)62*Legend symbol denoting Items carried over from the meeting held on 30 November 2018. RECOMMENDATION OF THE ESTABLISHMENT SUBCOMMITTEE MADE ON 31 OCTOBER 2018

(EC(2018-19)15#Legend symbol denoting Items requested by members for discussion and separate voting by the Finance Committee. - Creation of one permanent post of Chief Air Traffic Control Officer (D1) and one supernumerary post of Chief Air Traffic Control Officer (D1) in the Civil Aviation Department to strengthen managerial oversight of daily air traffic control (ATC) operations to ensure the provision of safe, reliable and efficient ATC services)

(This item seeks approval of the recommendation of the Establishment Subcommittee made at its meeting held on 31 October 2018.)

(In attendance : Under Secretary for Transport and Housing/Deputy Director-General of Civil Aviation (2)/Assistant Director-General of Civil Aviation (Air Traffic Management)/Chief (Technical and Development), Civil Aviation Department)

(This item was discussed by the Panel on Economic Development on 28 May 2018)

(Motion passed at the Panel of Economic Development meeting on 28 May 2018 (CB(4)1162/17-18(01))

(Administration's response to the motion passed at the Panel of Economic Development meeting on 28 May 2018 (CB(4)1276/17-18(01)))

(This item was discussed by the Establishment Subcommittee on 31 October 2018 and information paper ESC24/18-19(01) has been provided by the Administration to the Subcommittee)

3.FCR(2018-19)63*Legend symbol denoting Items carried over from the meeting held on 30 November 2018. HEAD 42 - ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT
Subhead 700 General non-recurrent
New Item "Lift Modernisation Subsidy Scheme"

(This item invites Members to approve a new non-recurrent commitment of $2.5 billion for implementing the Lift Modernisation Subsidy Scheme.)

(In attendance : Permanent Secretary for Development (Works)/Deputy Secretary for Development (Works) 3/Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services/Director, Building Rehabilitation, Urban Renewal Authority)

(This item was discussed by the Panel on Development on 23 October 2018. Supplementary information papers CB(1)158/18-19(01) and (02) have been provided by the Administration to the Panel)

4.FCR(2018-19)64*Legend symbol denoting Items carried over from the meeting held on 30 November 2018. HEAD 95 - LEISURE AND CULTURAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT
Subhead 677 Acquiring and commissioning artworks by local artists
Item 827 Acquiring and commissioning artworks by local artists

Subhead 700 General non-recurrent
New Item "Intangible cultural heritage initiatives"

(This item invites Members to approve the following changes to Head 95 Leisure and Cultural Services Department –

Subhead 677 Acquiring and commissioning artworks by local artists
Item 827 Acquiring and commissioning artworks by local artists

(a)increase the approved commitment from $50 million to $550 million and rename both the subhead and item as "Acquiring museum collections and commissioning art and cultural projects"; and

Subhead 700 General non-recurrent
New Item "Intangible cultural heritage initiatives"

(b)create a new commitment of $300 million for the safeguarding, promotion and transmission of intangible cultural heritage.)

(In attendance : Under Secretary for Home Affairs/Principal Assistant Secretary for Home Affairs (Culture)2/Assistant Director of Leisure and Cultural Services (Heritage and Museums))

(This item was discussed by the Panel on Home Affairs on 28 May 2018)

5.FCR(2018-19)65*Legend symbol denoting Items carried over from the meeting held on 30 November 2018.RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS SUBCOMMITTEE MADE ON 7 NOVEMBER 2018

(PWSC(2018-19)31 – 96EB Construction of an assembly hall at Munsang College at 8 Dumbarton Road, Kowloon City)

(This item seeks approval of the recommendation of the Public Works Subcommittee made at its meeting held on 7 November 2018.)

(This item was discussed by the Panel on Education on 11 May 2018. Supplementary information paper CB(4)1280/17-18(01) has been provided by the Administration to the Panel)

(This item was discussed by the Public Works Subcommittee on 7 November 2018 and information paper PWSC33/18-19(01) has been provided by the Administration to the Subcommittee))

6.FCR(2018-19)66*Legend symbol denoting Items carried over from the meeting held on 30 November 2018.2018-19 JUDICIAL SERVICE PAY ADJUSTMENT

(This item invites Members to approve, with effect from 1 April 2018, an increase in pay by 4.69% for judges and judicial officers.)

(In attendance : Director of Administration/Deputy Director of Administration)

(This item was discussed by the Panel on Administration of Justice and Legal Services on 29 October 2018)


# Items requested by members for discussion and separate voting by the Finance Committee.

* Items carried over from the meeting held on 30 November 2018.

Note If the preceding House Committee meeting ends before 3:15 pm, the Finance Committee meeting will start at 3:15 pm; if the preceding House Committee meeting ends between 3:15 pm and 3:30 pm, the Finance Committee meeting will start immediately after the House Committee meeting.