BETWEEN 3:15 PM AND 3:30 PM)NOTELegend symbol denoting If the preceding House Committee meeting ends before 3:15 pm, the Finance Committee meeting will start at 3:15 pm; if the preceding House Committee meeting ends between 3:15 pm and 3:30 pm, the Finance Committee meeting will start immediately after the House Committee meeting. TO 7:00 PM

Pecuniary interest : Please refer to Rules 83A and 84 of the Rules of Procedure of the Legislative Council for rules regarding pecuniary interest to be disclosed and voting in case of direct pecuniary interest.

Item No.Subject
1.FCR(2019-20)27*Legend symbol denoting Items carried over from the meeting held on 20 November 2020. RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS SUBCOMMITTEE MADE ON 25 MAY 2019

(PWSC(2019-20)5#Legend symbol denoting Item subject to discussion and separate voting by the Finance Committee per member's/members' request. – 768CL Studies related to artificial islands in the Central Waters)

(This item seeks approval of the recommendation of the Public Works Subcommittee made at its meeting held on 25 May 2019.)

(In attendance : Secretary for Development/Under Secretary for Development/ Permanent Secretary for Development (Works)/Deputy Secretary for Development (Planning and Lands) 1/Deputy Secretary for Development (Works) 2/ Under Secretary for the Environment/Director of Civil Engineering and Development/Head of the Sustainable Lantau Office, Civil Engineering and Development Department/Deputy Head of the Sustainable Lantau Office (Works), Civil Engineering and Development Department/Deputy Director of Planning (Territorial))

(This item was discussed by the Panel on Development on 26 March 2019, 13 and 27 April 2019. Supplementary information papers CB(1)1075/18-19(01) and CB(1)1088/18-19(01) have been provided by the Administration to the Panel)

(This item was discussed by the Public Works Subcommittee on 17, 22 and 25 May 2019 and information paper PWSC235/18-19(01) has been provided by the Administration to the Subcommittee)

(Written questions from CHU Hoi-dick on 17 May 2019 (PWSC217/18-19(01)) and information paper from the Administration on 30 May 2019 (PWSC241/18-19(01))**Legend symbol denoting As CHU Hoi-dick decided not to continue to serve as a member of LegCo after 30 September 2020, he has ceased to hold office as a member of LegCo since 1 October 2020.

(Written questions from Hon Tony TSE Wai-chuen on 17 May 2019 (PWSC227/18-19(01)) and information paper from the Administration on 24 May 2019 (PWSC227/18-19(02))

(Written questions from HUI Chi-fung on 5 November 2020 (FC51/20-21(01)) and information paper from the Administration on 20 November 2020 (FC51/20-21(02))@Legend symbol denoting Pursuant to section 15(1)(a) of the Legislative Council Ordinance (Cap. 542), HUI Chi-fung ceased to hold office as a member of LegCo upon his resignation on 12 November 2020.

(Written questions from Dr Hon Fernando CHEUNG Chiu-hung on 11 November 2020 (FC55/20-21(01)) and information paper from the Administration on 24 November 2020 (FC55/20-21(02))

(Written questions from Members belonging to the Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong on 26 November 2020 (FC57/20-21(01) (FC57/20-21(02) (FC57/20-21(03))

(For submissions on the item, please refer to the email issued to members on 27 November 2020 (am)) (Submissions authorized to be uploaded onto the Legislative Council Website)

(Referral from the Public Complaints Office issued by email to members on 25 and 26 November 2020 (restricted to members only))

2.FCR(2020-21)69*Legend symbol denoting Items carried over from the meeting held on 20 November 2020.HEAD 60 – HIGHWAYS DEPARTMENT
Subhead 700 General non-recurrent
New item "Strategic Study on Railways beyond 2030"

Subhead 700 General non-recurrent
New item "Strategic Study on Major Roads beyond 2030"

(This item invites Members to approve the following two new commitments –

(a)$64.9 million under Head 60 – Highways Department Subhead 700 General non-recurrent for conducting the "Strategic Study on Railways beyond 2030"; and

(b)$27.5 million under Head 186 – Transport Department Subhead 700 General non-recurrent for conducting the "Strategic Study on Major Roads beyond 2030".)

(In attendance: Deputy Secretary for Transport and Housing (Transport)1/ Principal Assistant Secretary for Transport and Housing (Transport)7/ Director of Highways/Principal Government Engineer (Railway Development), Highways Department/Government Engineer (Railway Development) (2), Highways Department/Commissioner for Transport/Assistant Commissioner for Transport (Planning)/Chief Engineer (Transport Planning), Transport Department)

(The item was discussed by the Panel on Transport on 16 June 2017 and 21 July 2017. Supplementary information papers CB(4)1571/16-17(01) and CB(4)1584/16-17(01) have been provided by the Administration to the Panel)

(Written question from CHU Hoi-dick on 14 June 2017 (CB(4)1240/16-17(02)) and information paper from the Administration on 6 September 2017 (CB(4)1571/16-17(01)))**Legend symbol denoting As CHU Hoi-dick decided not to continue to serve as a member of LegCo after 30 September 2020, he has ceased to hold office as a member of LegCo since 1 October 2020.

(Joint submission from Providence Peak, The Graces Providence Bay, and Providence Bay Owners' Committees on Strategic studies on railways and major roads beyond 2030 (CB(4)1219/16-17(01)) and information paper from the Administration on 6 September 2017 (CB(4)1571/16-17(01)))


Note If the preceding House Committee meeting ends before 3:15 pm, the Finance Committee meeting will start at 3:15 pm; if the preceding House Committee meeting ends between 3:15 pm and 3:30 pm, the Finance Committee meeting will start immediately after the House Committee meeting.

* Items carried over from the meeting held on 20 November 2020.

# Item subject to discussion and separate voting by the Finance Committee per member's/members' request.

@ Pursuant to section 15(1)(a) of the Legislative Council Ordinance (Cap. 542), HUI Chi-fung ceased to hold office as a member of LegCo upon his resignation on 12 November 2020.

** As CHU Hoi-dick decided not to continue to serve as a member of LegCo after 30 September 2020, he has ceased to hold office as a member of LegCo since 1 October 2020.