BETWEEN 2:45 PM AND 3:00 PM)NOTELegend symbol denoting If the preceding House Committee meeting ends before 2:45 pm, the Finance Committee meeting will start at 2:45 pm; if the preceding House Committee meeting ends between 2:45 pm and 3:00 pm, the Finance Committee meeting will start immediately after the House Committee meeting. TO 5:30 PM

Pecuniary interest : Please refer to Rules 83A and 84 of the Rules of Procedure of the Legislative Council for rules regarding pecuniary interest to be disclosed and voting in case of direct pecuniary interest.

Item No.Subject
1.FCR(2021-22)20*Legend symbol denoting Items carried over from the meeting held on 21 May 2021.HEAD 184 – TRANSFERS TO FUNDS
New subhead "Payment to the Lotteries Fund"

(This item invites Members to approve the creation of a new subhead "Payment to the Lotteries Fund" under Head 184 Transfers to Funds and a supplementary provision of $1.1 billion under the new subhead to enable an injection to be made into the Lotteries Fund.)

(In attendance: Under Secretary for Labour and Welfare/Deputy Director of Social Welfare (Administration)/Assistant Director of Social Welfare (Planning and Development))

(This item was discussed by the Panel on Welfare on 19 April 2021)

(Information paper from the Administration on 28 May 2021 (FC159/20-21(01)))

2.FCR(2021-22)21*Legend symbol denoting Items carried over from the meeting held on 21 May 2021.HEAD 152 – GOVERNMENT SECRETARIAT : COMMERCE AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BUREAU (COMMERCE, INDUSTRY AND TOURISM BRANCH)
Subhead 700 General non-recurrent
New Item "Upgrading of Facilities of the Hong Kong Wetland Park"

(This item invites Members to approve a new commitment of $135 million under Head 152 Government Secretariat: Commerce and Economic Development Bureau (Commerce, Industry and Tourism Branch) Subhead 700 General non-recurrent for upgrading the facilities of the Hong Kong Wetland Park.)

(In attendance: Under Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development/ Deputy Commissioner for Tourism/Assistant Commissioner for Tourism 3/ Director of Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation/Assistant Director of Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation (Conservation)/Executive Director (Hong Kong Wetland Park), Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department)

(This item was discussed by the Panel on Economic Development on 26 April 2021. Supplementary information paper CB(4)976/20-21(01) has been provided by the Administration to the Panel)

Subhead 090 Midstream Research Programme for Universities (block vote)
Subhead 101 Innovation and Technology (block vote)
Subhead 112 Re-industrialisation Funding Scheme

New Subhead "Payment to the Innovation and Technology Fund"

(This item invites Members to approve –

(a)the creation of a new subhead "Payment to the Innovation and Technology Fund" under Head 184 Transfers to Funds and a supplementary provision of $4.75 billion under the new subhead in 2021-22, to sustain the continuous operation of the existing funding schemes under the Innovation and Technology Fund and the research and development centres/laboratories as well as the introduction of new measures;

(b)the transfer of all funds under Head 111 Innovation and Technology Subhead 090 Midstream Research Programme for Universities (block vote) and Subhead 112 Re-industrialisation Funding Scheme to Head 111 Innovation and Technology Subhead 101 Innovation and Technology (block vote) so as to enhance the flexibility in utilising the funds; and

(c)a supplementary provision of $425 million under the new subhead "Payment to the Innovation and Technology Fund" under Head 184 Transfers to Funds so as to transfer the remaining balance of $425 million under Head 135 Government Secretariat: Innovation and Technology Bureau Subhead 700 General Non-recurrent Item 801 Innovation and Technology Fund for Better Living to Head 111 Innovation and Technology Subhead 101 Innovation and Technology (block vote), so as to enhance the flexibility in utilising the funds.)

(In attendance: Secretary for Innovation and Technology/Permanent Secretary for Innovation and Technology/Commissioner for Innovation and Technology/ Assistant Commissioner for Innovation and Technology (Funding Schemes))

(This item was discussed by the Panel on Commerce and Industry on 20 April 2021. Supplementary information paper CB(1)957/20-21(01) has been provided by the Administration to the Panel)


Note If the preceding House Committee meeting ends before 2:45 pm, the Finance Committee meeting will start at 2:45 pm; if the preceding House Committee meeting ends between 2:45 pm and 3:00 pm, the Finance Committee meeting will start immediately after the House Committee meeting.

* Items carried over from the meeting held on 21 May 2021.