LegCo Paper No. CB(2) 2190/96-97(01)

LegCo Panel on Security

Outstanding Items for Discussion (as at 7.5.1997)

A. Items raised by members

1. Deployment of Mainland Troops in Hong Kong

Members decided at the Panel meeting on 29 January 1996 that this would be a standing item for discussion once every two months as from the April meeting. As the item was discussed at the meeting on 14 April 1997, it will be included in the agenda for the June meeting.

2. Permanent residency after 1997

Members decided at the Panel meeting on 28 October 1996 that this would be a standing item for discussion once every two months. The item was discussed at the meeting on 14 April 1996 and again at a special meeting on 29 April 1997.

3. Follow-up on issues of Non-Chinese ethnic minorities

According to the British Trade Commission, applications for registration will be called for in early June. There will be no limit on number, nor will there be any deadline for application for registration.

4. Statutory power to shut down vice establishments

Raised by Hon James TO on 28 February 1997. A note from Mr TO is attached at Annex A.

5. Independent inspectorate system in penal institutions

Raised by Hon Albert HO at the Panel meeting on 14 April 1997.

LegCo Secretariat
7 May 1997

Last Updated on 21 August 1998