Provisional Legislative Council

PLC Paper No. 154/96-97

Ref :     PLC/C/3

Minutes of the Meeting of the Provisional Legislative Council
held on Saturday 12 April 1997 at 9:30 am

Members present:

The Honourable Mrs Rita FAN
The Honourable WONG Siu-yee
The Honourable TIEN Pei-chun, James
The Honourable HO Sai-chu
The Honourable HO Sing-tin, Edward
Dr the Honourable HO Chung-tai
Honourable NG Leung-sing
Prof the Honourable NG Ching-fai
The Honourable LI Ka-cheung, Eric
The Honourable LI Kwok-po, David
The Honourable LEE Kai-ming
The Honourable LEE Peng-fei, Allen
The Honourable Mrs TU, Elsie
The Honourable Mrs CHOW LIANG Shuk-yee, Selina
The Honourable Mrs LAM, Peggy
The Honourable WU, Henry
The Honourable NGAI Shiu-kit
The Honourable TANG Ying-yen, Henry
The Honourable ARCULLI, Ronald
The Honourable YUEN Mo
The Honourable MA Fung-kwok
The Honourable CHEUNG Hon-chung
The Honourable Mrs TSO WONG Man-yin
The Honourable LEUNG Chun-ying
Dr the Honourable LEONG Che-hung
The Honourable Mrs LEUNG LAU Yau-fan, Sophie
The Honourable MOK Ying-fan
The Honourable HUI Yin-fat
The Honourable CHAN Choi-hi
The Honourable CHAN Yuen-han
The Honourable CHAN Wing-chan
The Honourable CHAN Kam-lam
The Honourable TSANG Yok-sing
The Honourable CHENG Kai-nam
The Honourable FUNG Kin-kee, Frederick
The Honourable WONG Wang-fat, Andrew
Dr the Honourable WONG Yu-hong, Philip
The Honourable WONG Ying-ho, Kennedy
The Honourable YOUNG, Howard
The Honourable YEUNG Chun-kam
The Honourable YEUNG Yiu-chung
The Honourable IP Kwok-him
The Honourable CHIM Pui-chung
The Honourable LIU Sing-lee, Bruce
The Honourable LAU Kong-wah
The Honourable LAU Wong-fat
The Honourable Mrs LAU Kin-yee, Miriam
The Honourable LAU Hon-chuen, Ambrose
The Honourable CHOY Kan-pui
The Honourable CHENG Ming-fun, Paul
The Honourable CHENG Yiu-tong
Dr the Honourable TANG Siu-tong
The Honourable FOK, Timothy
The Honourable KAN Fook-yee
The Honourable NGAN Kam-chuen
The Honourable LO Suk-ching
Dr the Honourable LAW Cheung-kwok
The Honourable TAM Wai-chu, Maria
The Honourable TAM Yiu-chung

Member absent:

The Honourable CHU Yu-lin, David

Clerk in attendance:

Ms NG Man-wah, Pauline, Clerk to the Provisional Legislative Council

The President advised the Council of the order of the Agenda, explaining the need for the Council to first deal with the two motions relating to the Rules of Procedure of the Council before proceeding with the Bill. She also outlined the rules which she would apply before the Rules of Procedure were adopted: that the quorum for the meeting would be one-half of the Members of the Council; that each Member should only speak once, not exceeding 15 minutes on each motion, with the exception of the mover of the motion who would be invited to give a final reply after all Members had spoken; that voting would be done by electronic system, failing which a show of hands would be used; and that the President would permit Members moving without notice that in the case of a division, the division bell be rung for shorter than the normal three minutes.


Amendments to the Resolution on Registration of Members' Interests

Mr IP Kwok-him moved the following motion and addressed the Council :

That paragraph (5) (f) of the Resolution on Registration of Members' Interests made and passed by the Council on 22 March 1997 be amended by deleting "從 外 國 政 府 、 組 織 或 人 士 所 收 受 或 代 表 外 國 政 府 、 組 織 或 人 士 所 收 受 的 款 項 、 實 惠 或 實 利 " and substituting -

"從 -

(i) 香 港 以 外 的 政 府 或 組 織 ; 或

(ii) 非 香 港 永 久 性 居 民 的 人 士

所 收 受 或 代 表 上 述 政 府 、 組 織 或 人 士 所 收 受 的 款 項 、 實 惠 或 實 利 "。

Question on Mr IP Kwok-him's motion proposed.

Two Members spoke on the motion.

Mr IP Kwok-him replied.

Question on the motion put and agreed to.

Adoption of the Rules of Procedure of the Provisional Legislative Council of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (Resumption)

The President invited Members to note Mrs Selina CHOW's motion, the debate on which was adjourned at the meeting on 22 March 1997, as follows:

"That the Rules of Procedure of the Provisional Legislative Council of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region set out in the Schedule be adopted. (Schedule at Appendix I)"

The President stated that Ms Maria TAM and Mr IP Kwok-him had respectively given notice to move amendments to the motion. She proposed that the motion and the proposed amendments be debated together in a joint debate. There being no dissenting voice, the President ordered that the motion and the proposed amendments be debated together in a joint debate.

Ms Maria TAM addressed the Council on her proposed amendment to Mrs Selina CHOW's motion.

Mr IP Kwok-him addressed the Council on his proposed amendment to Mrs Selina CHOW's motion.

Four Members spoke on Mrs Selina CHOW's motion and the amendments proposed by Ms Maria TAM and Mr IP Kwok-him.

Mrs Selina CHOW spoke on the amendments.

Ms Maria TAM moved the following amendments, in 11 groups, to Mrs Selina CHOW' motion :

Amendments to Mrs CHOW's motion

That the Schedule to the motion on Adoption of the Rules of Procedure of the Provisional Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region moved by Hon Mrs Selina CHOW at the meeting of the Provisional Legislative Council on 22 March 1997 be amended as follows -

(1) by deleting "於 一 九 九 七 年 三 月 二 十 二 日 訂 立 " and substituting "於 一 九 九 七 年 四 月 十 二 日 訂 立 ";

(2)(a) in Rule 10(2) and (3), by deleting "第 12(1)條 (香 港 特 別 行 政 區 成 立 後 的 首 次 會 議 的 程 序 )、 ";
     (b) in Rule 12 -
          (i) by deleting subrule (1);
          (ii) by re-numbering subrule (2) as subrule (1);
          (iii) in subrule (1), by deleting "第 (6)款 " and substituting "第 (5)款 ";
          (iv) by re-numbering subrules (3) and (4) as subrules (2) and (3) respectively;
          (v) in subrule (3), by deleting "第 (3)款 " and substituting "第 (2)款 ";
          (vi) by re-numbering subrule (5) as subrule (4);
          (vii) in subrule (4), by deleting "第 (4)款 " and substituting "第 (3)款 ";
          (viii) by re-numbering subrule (6) as subrule (5);

(3) in Rule 19(1), by adding "由 臨 時 立 法 會 主 席 決 定 , 並 " after "臨 時 立 法 會 議 程 ";

(4) (a) in Rule 31(c), by deleting "示 明 他 並 不 反 對 " and substituting "同 意 ";
(b) in Rule 57(6)(c), by deleting "示 明 他 並 不 反 對 " and substituting "同 意 ";

(5) in Rule 50(5), by deleting "法 律 所 訂 明 的 ";

(6) in Rule 51 -
     (a) in subrule (4), by deleting "政 務 司 長 簽 署 的 證 明 書 , 說 明 將 於 二 讀 時 示 明 ";
     (b) in subrule (5), by deleting "由 政 務 司 長 簽 署 的 ";

(7)(a) by deleting Rules 75(17), 76(11), 77(15) and 79(11);
     (b) by re-numbering Rules 75(18), 76(12) and 77(16) as Rules 75(17), 76(11) and 77(15) respectively;
     (c) by adding the following new rule after Rule 79-

"79A. 證 人 的 出 席
          (a) 常 設 委 員 會 在 行 使 職 權 時 , 如 有 需 要 , 可 傳 召 有 關 人 士 出 席 作 證 和 提 供 證 據 ;
          (b) 內 務 委 員 會 、 法 案 委 員 會 、 事 務 委 員 會 或 專 責 委 員 會 可 獲 臨 時 立 法 會 授 權 , 使 其 在 行 使 職 權 時 , 如 有 需 要 , 可 傳 召 有 關 人 士 出 席 作 證 和 提 供 證 據 , 但 行 政 長 官 可 根 據 安 全 和 重 大 公 眾 利 益 的 考 慮 , 決 定 政 府 官 員 或 其 他 負 責 政 府 公 務 的 人 員 是 否 向 臨 時 立 法 會 或 其 屬 下 的 委 員 會 作 證 和 提 供 證 據 。 ";

(8)(a) in Rule 18 -
          (i) by deleting subrule (1)(k);
          (ii) by re-numbering subrule (1)(l) as subrule (1)(k);
     (b) by deleting Rules 88 and 89;

(9) in Rule 82(5)(f), by adding "因 其 議 員 身 分 " after "配 偶 ";

(10) by deleting Rule 92(c) and substituting-
"(c) "政 府 "指 香 港 特 別 行 政 區 政 府 , 但 在 香 港 特 別 行 政 區 政 府 成 立 前 , 凡 提 述 "政 府 ", 即 為 提 述 "香 港 特 別 行 政 區 行 政 長 官 ", 而 凡 提 述 "官 員 ", 即 為 提 述 "中 華 人 民 共 和 國 香 港 特 別 行 政 區 行 政 長 官 辦 公 室 人 員 "; 及 ";

(11)(a) by re-numbering Rules 79A, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 90, 91 and 92 as Rules 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90 and 91 respectively;
     (b) in Rule 85, by deleting "82" and "83" and substituting "83" and "84" respectively.

The President put the question in 11 groups respectively, on Ms Maria TAM's amendment to Mrs Selina CHOW's motion. All 11 groups of amendments were agreed to.

The President allowed, as a result of Ms Maria TAM's amendments being agreed to, Mr IP Kwok-him to modify the wording of his amendment so that "Rule 82(5)(f)" would become "Rule 83(5)(f)".

Mr IP Kwok-him moved the following amendment to Mrs Selina CHOW's motion as amended by Ms Maria TAM :

That Rule 83(5)(f) (Registration of Interests) in the Schedule to the motion on Adoption of the Rules of Procedure of the Provisional Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region moved by Hon Mrs Selina CHOW at the meeting of the Provisional Legislative Council on 22 March 1997 be amended by deleting "從 外 國 政 府 、 組 織 或 人 士 所 收 受 或 代 表 外 國 政 府 、 組 織 或 人 士 所 收 受 的 款 項 、 實 惠 或 實 利 " and substituting-

"從 --

     (i) 香 港 以 外 的 政 府 或 組 織 ; 或

     (ii) 非 香 港 永 久 性 居 民 的 人 士

所 收 受 或 代 表 上 述 政 府 、 組 織 或 人 士 所 收 受 的 款 項 、 實 惠 或 實 利 ".

Question on Mr IP Kwok-him's modified amendment to Mrs Selina CHOW's motion put and agreed to.

Mrs Selina CHOW replied.

Question on Mrs Selina CHOW's motion, as amended by Ms Maria TAM and Mr IP Kwok-him, put and agreed to.

The President suspended the meeting at 10:50 a.m.

The meeting resumed at 11:05 a.m.


First Reading

Holidays (1997 and 1998) Bill

The Bill was read the first time and ordered to be set down for Second Reading pursuant to Rules of Procedure No. 53(3).

Second Reading

Holidays (1997 and 1998) Bill

The Secretary of Justice moved the Second Reading and addressed the Council.

Question on the Second Reading proposed. The President stated that, in accordance with Rules of Procedure No. 54(4), the debate was adjourned and the Bill was referred to the House Committee.


Operation of the Finance Committee, House Committee and Committee on Members' Interests

Mrs Selina CHOW moved the following motion and addressed the Council :

"That the election of the chairman and deputy chairman of the Finance Committee and of the House Committee provided for under Rule 72(2) and 75(2) respectively of the Rules of Procedure be held not later than 26 April 1997 and that the election of the chairman and members of the Committee on Members' Interests be held as soon as practicable in accordance with the election procedure which should be formulated by the House Committee under Rule 74(2) of the Rules of Procedure following the election of its chairman and deputy chairman."

Question on the motion proposed.

Five Members spoke on the motion.

Mrs Selina CHOW replied.

In respone to a request from Ms CHAN Yuen-han for a break, the President suspended the meeting at 11:35 a.m.

The meeting resumed at 11:50 a.m.

Question on the motion put and agreed to.

Next meeting

The President declared that the Council would resume on 26 April 1997 at 9:30 a.m.

The meeting was adjourned at 12 noon.

(Mrs Rita FAN)
26 April 1997

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