House Committee of the
Provisional Legislative Council
on 28 November 1997


  1. Confirmation of the minutes of the 26th meeting held on 21 November 1997

  2. (PLC Paper No. CB(2) 657)

  3. Matters arising

  4. Report by the Chairman on his meeting with the Chief Secretary for Administration

  5. Business arising from previous Council meetings

  6. (a) Legal Service Division's report on bills referred to the House Committee in accordance with Rule 54(4)

    1. Cross-Harbour Tunnel (Cross-Harbour Tunnel Regulations) (Amendment) Ordinance 1997 (Amendment) Bill 1997
      Tate's Cairn Tunnel (Tate's Cairn Tunnel Regulations) (Amendment) Ordinance 1997 (Amendment) Bill 1997
      (PLC Paper No. LS 50)

    2. Provident Fund Schemes Legislation (Amendment) Bill 1997
      (PLC Paper No. LS 48 to follow)

    (b) Legal Service Division's report on subsidiary legislation tabled in Council on 26 November 1997 (gazetted on 21 November 1997)
    (PLC Paper No. LS 49 to follow)

  7. Further business for the Council meeting on 3 December 1997

  8. Questions
    (PLC Paper No. CB(3) 380)

  9. Business for the Council meeting on 10 December 1997

  10. (a) Questions
    (PLC Paper No. CB(3) 381)

    (b) Bill - 1st and 2nd Readings
    Mass Transit Railway Corporation (Amendment) Bill 1997

    (c) Bills - resumption of debate on 2nd Reading, Committee Stage and 3rd Reading
    No notice has been received yet.

    (d) Motion

    Resolution under section 86 of the Disability Discrimination Ordinance (Cap. 487) - to be moved by the Secretary for Health and Welfare
    (PLC Paper No. LS 52 to follow)

    (e) Members' motions

    1. Motion on 'speeding up the pace of urban renewal "

      Hon IP Kwok-him has given notice to move the above motion. Wording of the motion attached.

    2. Motion on " Review of social welfare subvention system "

      Hon HUI Yin-fat has given notice to move the above motion. Wording of the motion attached.

  11. Advance information on motions for the Council meeting on 17 December 1997

  12. (a) Motion on " Developing Hong Kong's high value-added industries'

    Prof Hon NG Ching-fai has given notice to move the above motion.

    (b) Motion on " Improving the services of Lo Wu border control points'

    Hon LAU Kong-wah has given notice to move the above motion.

  13. Reports

  14. (a) Position report on Bills Committees/Subcommittees
    (PLC Paper No. CB(2) 662)

    (b) First report of the Subcommittee on subsidiary legislation relating to Legislative Council election
    (PLC Paper No. CB(2) 675 to follow)

  15. Any other business

  16. (a) Election of Members to the Council of the Chinese University of Hong Kong
    (PLC Paper No. CB(2) 666)

    (b) Proposed formation of Parliamentary Liaison Subcommittee "
    (PLC Paper No. CB(3) 385)

    ( " The item of " Invitation to visit the Parliament of Singapore " included in the tentative agenda issued on 24 November 1997 is now renamed as " Proposed formation of Parliamentary Liaison Subcommittee " .)

Provisional Legislative Council Secretariat
26 November 1997

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