PLC Paper No. CB(2)501

Paper for House Committee meeting on 31 October 1997

Note on the motion on additional CSSA payment for the elderly passed by the Panel on Welfare Services on 21 October 1997


A special meeting of the Welfare Services Panel was held on 21 October 1997 to discuss with the Administration the immediate commencement of the additional monthly payment of $380 to elderly Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) recipients.

2. The Administration explained that as this was a new policy item, there was no provision for it in the current budget. The Administration also informed members that there was no money within the welfare budget that could be spared to meet the additional cost within the current financial year

3. Whilst showing understanding of the Administration explanation, members believed that alternative funding methods could be explored to resolve the problem. Members therefore unanimously passed the following motion -

孏his Panel requests the Government to commence the additional monthly payment of $380 to elderly CSSA recipients with effect from October 1997 and objects to the Government cancellation of the annual Chinese New Year Grant and Social Recreation Activities Grant.�

4. As the Administration was unable to indicate a date by which it would respond to the request, members agreed that the Administration should respond within seven days. Members also requested to meet the Chief Executive so that they could put forward their views to him.

Advice Sought

5. Members are invited to support the motion.

WONG Siu-yee
Panel on Welfare Services

Last Updated on 4 November 1997