PLC Paper No CB(2) 40/97-98
Ref : CB2/T/1

Paper for the House Committee Meeting
On 18 July 1997

Nomination and Election of Members to serve on Public Bodies, Advisory Boards and Committees

The Chairman of the House Committee has asked that the following information on the nomination and election of Members to serve on public bodies and advisory committees be provided for members' reference :

Boards and
prior to
1 July 1997
Po Leung Kuk
Advisory Board
The Po Leung Kuk Advisory Board was established under the Po Leung Kuk Ordinance (Cap. 1040) to advise the Board of Directors on matters affecting the Kuk and its administration. It consists of not more than 15 persons with the Secretary for Home Affairs as the chairman

Under paragraph 18(2)(e) of the Schedule to the Ordinance, one person shall be nominated by "Members of the Legislative Council" (see Note) from among their own number as an ex officio member of the Advisory Board.

The Advisory Board may convene meeting as and when necessary. The Advisory Board also holds an annual joint meeting with the Kuk's Board of Directors in March each year.

Most business of the Advisory Board is carried out by means of circulation of papers.

Hon David CHU Yu Lin
(20 October 1995)
Tung Wah Group
of Hospitals
Advisory Board
The Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Advisory Board was established under the Tung Wah Group of Hospital Ordinance (Cap. 1051) to advise the Board of Directors on matters affecting the Group and its administration. It consists of not more than 14 persons with the Secretary for Home Affairs as the chairman.

Under paragraph 19(2)(c) of the Schedule to the Ordinance, one person shall be nominated by "Members of the Legislative Council" (see Note) from among their own number as an ex officio member of the Board.

The Advisory Board may convene meeting as and when necessary.

Most business of the Advisory Board is carried out by means of circulation of papers.

Mr. LI Wah-ming
(20 October 1995)
Disaster Relief
Fund Advisory
The Disaster Relief Fund was established on 1 December 1993 by resolution under section 29 of the Public Finance Ordinance (Cap.2) to provide a mechanism to enable the Hong Kong Administration to respond swiftly to international appeals for humanitarian aid.

The resolution also provides for the appointment of an advisory committee to advise the Financial Secretary on disbursements from the Fund. The advisory committee is chaired by the Chief Secretary for Administration and comprises, among others, two Provisional Legislative Council Members.

The advisory committee meets as and when required.

Hon CHEUNG Hon-chung
(20 October 1995)

Mr LAU Chin-shek
(20 October 1995)

Court of the
University of
Hong Kong
The composition and powers of the University Court are set out in Statute XV and XVII of the University of Hong Kong Ordinance (Cap. 1053). Relevant extracts are in Appendix I.

Under Statute XV, the Court shall consist of, among others, "5 persons elected by the Members of the Legislative Council from among their own numbers" (see Note). The term of the office is for three years.

The Court meets once a year in December. Most business is conducted by circulation of papers.

Dr HUANG Chen-ya
(15 Nov. 1994)

Hon Mrs Selina
(20 October 1995)

Hon Ip Kwok-him
(20 October 1995)

Mr LAU Chin-shek
(20 October 1995)

Mr James To
(30 April 1996)

Council of the Chinese University of Hong KongThe composition, power and duties of the University Council are set out in Statute 11.1 and 11.8 of the Chinese University of Hong Kong Ordinance (Cap. 1109). Relevant extracts are in Appendix II.

Under Statute 11.1(1), the Council shall consist of, among others, "3 persons elected by the Members of the Legislative Council .... from among their numbers" (see Note)

The Council meets on the average four to five times a year.

Hon CHAN Kam-lam
(20 October 1995)

Dr Hon LAW Chi-kwong
(20 October 1995)

Dr John TSE Wing-ling
(20 October 1995)

English School FoundationThe composition, powers and duties of the Foundation are set out in Regulation 3 of the English School Foundation Regulations, made under section 10 of The English School Foundation Ordinance (Cap.1117). Relevant extracts in Appendix III.

Under Regulation 3.2, two persons nominated by "Members of the Legislative Council from among their own numbers" (see Note) shall be members of the Foundation.

The Foundation meets every six months, in June and December.

Hon Paul CHENG Ming-fun
(20 October 1995)

Dr Anthony CHEUNG Bing-leung
(20 October 1995)

Note Under paragraph 16 of Schedule 8 of the Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance (Cap. 1) which was added to Cap. 1 by the Hong Kong Reunification Ordinance (Ord No. 110 of 1997), references to the Legislative Council shall be construed as including a reference to the Provisional Legislative Council.

Provisional Legislative Council
16 July 1997

Last Updated on 23 October 1997