Provisional Legislative Council
Panel on Economic Services

Meeting on
Monday, 3 November 1997, at 10:45 am
in Conference Room A of the Legislative Council Building

  1. Confirmation of minutes and matters arising
    (10:45 am - 10:50 am)
    PLC Paper No. CB(1)351 - minutes of meeting held on 10 September 1997
    PLC Paper No. CB(1)421 - minutes of meeting held on 6 October 1997

  2. Information papers issued since last meeting
    PLC Paper No. CB(1)331 - Executive summary of the Investigation Report on Issue and Sale of Special Stamps and Philatelic Products
    PLC Paper No. CB(1)364 - Import and retail prices of major fuels from September 1995 to August 1997.
    PLC Paper No. CB(1)388 - APEC Workshop on the Impact of Destructive Fishing Practices on the Marine Environment.

  3. Items for discussion for the next meeting scheduled for 1 December 1997
    (10:50 am - 10:55 am)

  4. Government's policy to promote tourist industry
    (10:55 am - 11:35 am)
    PLC Paper No. CB(1)412(01) - information paper provided by the Administration

  5. Northshore Lantau Development Study
    (11:35 am - 12:10 pm)
    PLC Paper No. CB(1)412(02) - information paper provided by the Administration

  6. Tariff revision for the Hong Kong and China Gas Co. Ltd.
    (12:10 pm - 12:45 pm)
    Information paper to be provided at the meeting.

  7. Any other business
    (12:45 pm onwards) Provisional Legislative Council Secretariat 29 October 1997

    Provisional Legislative Council Secretariat
    29 October 1997

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