Legislative Council

LC Paper No. LS152/98-99

Paper for the House Committee Meeting
of the Legislative Council
on 23 April 1999

Legal Service Division Report on
Subsidiary Legislation Gazetted on 1 April 1999

Date of Tabling in LegCo :21 April 1999
Amendment to be made by :19 May 1999 (or 26 May 1999 if extended by resolution)

Legislative Council (Powers and Privileges) Ordinance (Cap. 382)
Administrative Instructions for Regulating Admittance and Conduct of Persons (Amendment) Instructions 1999 (L.N. 91)

Section 10 of the Administrative Instructions for Regulating Admittance and Conduct of Persons (Cap. 382 sub. leg.) is amended by repealing subsection (2) thereof and by consequential repealing of the reference to subsection (2) in subsection (1). No smoking is now allowed in the Legislative Council Building.

Tax Reserve Certificates (Fourth Series) Rules (Cap. 289 sub. leg.)
Tax Reserve Certificates (Rate of Interest) (No. 2) Notice 1999 (L.N. 92)

By the Notice, the rate of interest payable on tax reserve certificates issued on or after 7 April 1999 is fixed to be 5.2083% per annum. The Schedule to the Tax Reserve Certificates (Rate of Interest) (Consolidation) Notice (Cap. 289 sub. leg.) is consequentially amended.

Prepared by

KAU Kin-wah
Assistant Legal Adviser
Legislative Council Secretariat
13 April 1999