Legislative Council

LC Paper No. CB(3) 62/98-99

Ref: CB(3)/SC/PL

Paper for the House Committee Meeting on 17 July 1998

Formation of Parliamentary Liaison Subcommittee


This paper invites Members to endorse the terms of reference of the Parliamentary Liaison Subcommittee of the House Committee, the size of the Subcommittee and the procedure for electing Members to sit on it.


2. Rule 34 of the House Rules, which were endorsed by the House Committee at the meeting on 6 July 1998, provides for the formation of a Parliamentary Liaison Subcommittee under the House Committee. The subcommittee is responsible for co-ordinating all parliamentary liaison activities between the Council and other parliamentary organisations outside Hong Kong, considering proposals for setting up friendship groups with such organizations, and making recommendations to the House Committee.

3. The need for the Hong Kong legislature to establish and maintain contacts with legislatures outside Hong Kong has always been recognised. On the recommendation of the Subcommittee on Parliamentary Friendship Group of the House Committee, Members of the former Legislative Council set up the following four parliamentary friendship groups:

  1. the Hong Kong-Japan Parliamentarians Committee;

  2. the Hong Kong-Canada Parliamentary Friendship Group;

  3. the Hong Kong-Australia Parliamentary Friendship Group; and

  4. the Hong Kong-European Parliament Parliamentary Friendship Group.

All Members were entitled to participate in the activities of these friendship groups. The nature of such activities was mainly social and apolitical, providing opportunities for the exchange of views among parliamentarians. Recent examples of these activities include a reception held in honour of a delegation from the Japan/Hong Kong Parliamentarian League in May 1996, a visit to the Australian Parliament in September 1996, and a visit to Singapore at the invitation of the Singapore Parliament in February 1998.

Decisions sought

4. Members are invited to:

  1. endorse the proposed terms of reference of the Parliamentary Liaison Subcommittee, as set out in the Appendix;

  2. determine the size of the Subcommittee (there were nine Members in the Subcommittee of the former Legislative Council); and

  3. agree that the election of Members to the Subcommittee be by way of nominations made orally at a meeting of the House Committee. In making the nominations, Members should have regard for the need to ensure that the subcommittee's membership is broadly balanced and representative of the membership of the Council. If there are more nominations than places available, an election by a show of hands should be conducted.

Election of Members to the Subcommittee

5. If the House Committee endorses the election procedure in paragraph 4(c) above, it is recommended that election to the Subcommittee be conducted at the House Committee meeting to be held on 17 July 1998.

Legislative Council Secretariat
July 1998


Proposed Terms of Reference of

Parliamentary Liaison Subcommittee

  1. To promote liaison and develop good relationship with parliamentary bodies in various territories;

  2. To consider proposals for the formation of friendship groups with legislatures outside Hong Kong;

  3. To deal with all matters pertaining to the activities of parliamentary friendship groups, including sending delegations on visits outside Hong Kong and hosting activities with delegations visiting Hong Kong; and

  4. To make recommendations to the House Committee in respect of the above.