Legislative Council

LC Paper No.AS33/98-99

Paper for the House Committee Meeting
on 24 July 1998

LegCo Fun Day 1998-99


To seek Members' advice on whether a LegCo Fun Day involving Members and LegCo Beat reporters should be held on Saturday, 12 December 1998.


2. The Fun Day will provide an occasion for Members and reporters to get together with their families and enjoy a day of fun and games. There will be sports and recreational activities in the afternoon between Members' teams and reporters' teams, ending with karaoke and dinner.


3. It is proposed that a LegCo Fun Day be held on 12 December 1998. An initial booking has been made with the Hong Kong Sports Institute.

4. It is also proposed that an Organizing Committee comprising Members, reporters' representatives and Secretariat staff be formed to decide on the details of the Fun Day.

Advice Sought

5. Members are invited to advise:

  1. whether a LegCo Fun Day should be held on 12 December 1998; and if so;

  2. whether an Organizing Committee as referred to in paragraph 4 should be formed and which Members would join the Committee.

Legislative Council Secretariat
17 July 1998