Subcommittee on Review of Operating Expenses for Members of the Legislative Council

Meeting on Friday, 25 February 2000 at 3:15 pm
in Conference Room B of the Legislative Council Building


  1. 'Timing for the commencement and ending of legislative sessions' (Extracts from the Progress Report of the Committee on Rules of Procedure for the period July 1998 to April 1999) (LC Paper No. AS 147/99-00 (01))

  2. Remuneration and reimbursements for Members during the intervals between the terms of 1991-95, 1995-97, 1997-98 and 1998-2000 (LC Paper No. AS 147/99-00(02))

  3. Letter from Hon Christine LOH to Director of Administration (LC Paper No. AS 147/99-00 (03))

  4. Letter of 23.2.00 from Hon Leung Yiu-chung (LC Paper No. AS 147/99-00(04)) (English version to follow)

  5. Representation from the Association of Personal Assistants of the Legislative Council Members of Hong Kong (LC Paper No. AS 147/99-00 (05)) (English version to follow)

  6. Letter of 22.2.00 (received on 24.2.00) from Director of Administration (LC Paper No. AS 147/99-00 (06))