LegCo Panel on Environmental Affairs

Special meeting on
Monday, 5 October 1998 at 8:30 am
in Conference Room A of the Legislative Council Building

Revised Agenda

  1. Discussion on Phase I of Environmental Impact Assessment for Stage II of the Strategic Sewage Disposal Scheme
  2. Meeting with organizations
    (8:30 am - 9:00 am)

    1. Faculty of Engineering, The University of Hong Kong

    2. The Conservancy Association (submission to be tabled at the meeting)

    Paper No. CB(1)262/98-99(01)- a list of organizations consulted by the Panel on the outcome of the consultants findings

    Paper No. CB(1)262/98-99(02) - submissions and replies from the following organizations -

    1. Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Chinese version to follow)

    2. The Hong Kong Marine Conservation Society

    3. World Wide Fund for Nature Hong Kong

    4. Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce

    Meeting with the Administration
    (9:00 am - 10:30 am)

    Paper No. CB(1)262/98-99(03)- information paper from the Administration

    Paper No. CB(1)161/98-99(02) - information paper from the Administration issued on 3 September 1998

    Paper No. CB(1)161/98-99(03) - briefing paper from consultants issued on 3 September 1998

  3. Any other business

Legislative Council Secretariat
30 September 1998