LC Paper No. CB(2) 919/98-99(03)

LegCo Panel on Manpower

List of outstanding items for discussion
(as at 17.12.1998) 1. Progress of measures to create jobs and tackle unemployment

The Administration proposes to report on its progress of measures to create jobs and tackle unemployment every month.

2. Member's bill on age discrimination to be introduced by Hon LAU Chin-shek

Proposed on 14 July 1998, Mr LAU Chin-shek intends to introduce a Member's bill on age discrimination in this session. The item was originally scheduled for discussion at the meeting held on 24 September 1998 but was subsequently deferred for discussion till further notice.

3. Update on manpower and job creation assessment

Proposed by the Administration at the meeting on 26 November 1998, the Administration aims to present a comprehensive update on the job creation assessment, taking into account the initiatives and commitments announced in the 1998 Policy Address. The subject will be on the agenda of the meeting on 28 January 1999.

4. Review on employment conditions of live-in domestic helpers

The review aims to assess whether special arrangements are required for this group of employees. Hon CHAN Yuen-han suggested at the meeting held on 24 September 1998 that the definition of the term "domestic helper" be further discussed with consideration given to some other employees, e.g. drivers who work in domestic setting. The Administration has yet to complete its review on the subject and undertakes to provide the Panel with an information paper for its discussion in a future meeting.

5. Review on re-instatement and repeal of the Employee's Rights to Representation, Consultation and Collective Bargaining Ordinance and the Employment (Amendment) (No.4) Ordinance 1997

The Administration has commenced a review on re-instatement in July 1998 to consider whether there is a need to introduce changes to the condition for re-instatement which is at present subject to mutual consent of employers and employees. The review is expected to be completed by the end of 1998.

Proposed by Mr LEE Cheuk-yan at the meeting on 26 November 1998, the Panel will also deliberate, in the same context, the Administration's response on the latest report by the International Labour Organisation in respect of the SAR Government's repeal of the Employee's Right to Representation, Consultation and Collective Bargaining Ordinance, the Employment (Amendment) (No.4) Ordinance 1997 and amendments to the Trade Unions (Amendment) (No.2) Ordinance 1997 in October 1997.

Both subjects are scheduled for discussion at the meeting on 28 January 1999.

6. Right of Workers to go on strike or take industrial action

Proposed by Mr CHAN Wing-chan at the meeting on 26 November 1998, the subject focuses on whether the Administration will consider legislating for workers* right to go on strike or take industrial action. Originally scheduled for discussion in December 1998, the subject is deferred to the meeting on 28 January 1999 at the request of the Administration.

7. Review of working time arrangements

The review includes a study on the pattern of working time arrangements of Hong Kong's workforce, an assessment of likely economic implications, overseas experience and practice etc. Scheduled for discussion in November 1998, the subject is deferred at the request of the Administration to a future meeting.

8. Rest break of employees

Proposed on 21 September 1998, Mr Andrew CHENG Kar-foo is concerned about whether or not local employees will be provided with a rest break of 20-30 minutes following five hours' continuous work as in other countries, e.g. England. Feedback from the Administration is awaited before the Panel examines the issue with a view to proposing a legislative change if necessary.

Legislative Council Secretariat
17 December 1998