LegCo Panel on Public Service

Meeting to be held on Monday, 15 March 1999 at 10:45 am in Conference Room B of the Legislative Council Building

  1. Confirmation of minutes of meeting on 18 January 1999

  2. (10:45 am - 10:50 am)

    LC Paper No. CB(2) 1466/98-99

  3. Date of next meeting and items for discussion

  4. (10:50 am - 10:55 am)

    LC Paper No. CB(2) 1467/98-99(01) - List of outstanding items

  5. Consultation Document on Civil Service Reform

  6. (10:55 am - 12:00 noon)

    LC Paper No. CB(2) 1436/98-99 issued on 8 March 1999

  7. Briefing by the Post Office on its staff situation since its establishment as a trading fund department

  8. (12:00 noon - 12:25 pm)

    LC Paper No. CB(2) 1467/98-99(02)

  9. Briefing by the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department on its staff situation since its establishment as a trading fund department

  10. (12:25 pm - 12:45 pm)

    LC Paper No. CB(2) 1467/98-99(03)

  11. Any other business
Legislative Council Secretariat
12 March 1999