LC Paper No. CB(2) 902/98-99(01)

LegCo Panel on Public Service

List of outstanding items for discussion
(as at 17 December 1998)

  1. Briefings by the Post Office and the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department on the staff situation in these two departments since their establishment as trading fund departments - proposed by the Chairman on 19 October 1998

  2. Prevention of double housing benefits for civil servants and staff employed in Government-funded bodies - proposed by Mr CHEUNG Man-kwong on 19 October 1998

  3. Civil servants borrowing money from loan sharks - proposed by Mr CHEUNG Man-kwong on 19 October 1998

  4. Declaration of investments by civil servants - This item was originally discussed at the meeting on 21 September 1998. At the Panel meeting on 19 October 1998, Mr CHEUNG Man-kwong suggested and members agreed that the Panel should discuss further the issue.

Legislative Council Secretariat
17 December 1998