Panel on Transport

Special meeting on
Friday, 18 October 2002, at 10:45 am
in the Chamber of the Legislative Council Building


*I.Route 10
(10:45 am - 12:40 pm)

Meeting with the Administration/deputations

1.Route 3 (CPS) Company Limited
[LC Paper No. CB(1) 2477/01-02(02) (in English version only)
(issued on 6 September 2002)]

2. Sir Gordon WU, KCMG, FICE
[LC Paper No. CB(1)55/02-03(01) (in English version only) (issued on 16 October 2002)]

3. Civic Exchange Limited
[LC Paper No. CB(1)55/02-03(02) (issued on 17 October 2002 vide LC paper No. CB(1)78/02-03)]

Submission from the following organization not available to attend the meeting:

1. Action Group against Route 10 and Deep Bay Link (revised version)
[LC Paper No. CB(1)55/02-03(03) (in Chinese version only) (issued on 16 October 2002)]

2. 大欖涌村村公所
[LC Paper No. CB(1)78/02-03(01) (in Chinese version only) (issued on 17 October 2002)]

3. Mr K K WONG, member of Hong Kong Airport and Professor Richard WONG of The University of Hong Kong
[LC Paper No. CB(1)78/02-03(02) (in English version only) (issued on 17 October 2002)]

Meeting with the Administration

LC Paper No. CB(1)55/02-03(04)
(English version issued on 16 October 2002 and Chinese version issued vide LC Paper No. CB(1)78/02-03 on 17 October 2002)

--Information paper provided by the Administration;

LC Paper No. CB(1)78/02-03(03)
(English version issued on 17 October 2002)

--Supplementary note provided by the Administration in response to the submissions from Sir Gordon WU, Civic Exchange Limited and 大欖涌村村公所; and

LC Paper No. CB(1)58/02-03
(issued on 16 October 2002)

--Background brief on Route 10 prepared by the Secretariat

II .Any other business
(12:40 pm onwards)

*Non-Panel Members are invited to attend for discussion on the item.

Council Business Division 1
Legislative Council Secretariat
17 October 2002