Arts and cultural development

Paper no.TitlePublication date
ISE09/19-20 Funding support for arts groups 2020.06.12
IN11/19-20 Policy support for private museums in selected places 2020.06.05
ISE06/18-19 Policy on street performance activities 2019.05.22
ISE13/15-16 Challenges of the film industry in Hong Kong 2016.03.23
RB02/15-16 Challenges of public libraries in Hong Kong 2016.02.29
  Sports and cultural software development in selected places  
• Sports development, intangible cultural heritage preservation and cultural software development in Guangdong (Chinese version only)
• Sports development, intangible cultural heritage preservation and cultural software development in South Korea
• Sports development, intangible cultural heritage preservation and cultural software development in Japan
FS24/08-09 A summary of local press commentaries on the governance of major performing arts groups from January to April 2009 (Chinese version only) 2009.05.04
IN03/07-08 Legal provisions governing some key aspects of statutory bodies of cultural development projects in selected overseas places 2007.12.13
  Statutory bodies for the arts in selected places  
• Remuneration Package of the Heads of Statutory Bodies for the Arts in Selected Places
• Board Composition of Statutory Bodies for the Arts in Selected Places
IN41/04-05 Ownership, Management and Funding of Selected Cultural Facilities in Overseas Places 2005.09.27
IN25/04-05 Management, Operation and Financing of a Cultural District: The Case of Abandoibarra in Spain 2005.03.14