Promotion of Lego-like construction method in Singapore

Subject: development, housing, building and construction

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Recent developments of modular integrated construction in Hong Kong
Promotion of modular integrated construction in Singapore
Prepared by Sunny LAM
Research Office
Information Services Division
Legislative Council Secretariat
21 January 2022

  1. Development Bureau et al. (2021).
  2. GovHK (2021b).
  3. Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (香港測量師學會) (2021), Hong Kong Institute of Construction Managers (香港營造師學會) (2020), Zhang et al. (2018) and Pan (2017).
  4. Over the past two years, three Council Questions on MiC were raised at the Council meetings on 6 May 2020, 8 September 2021 and 29 September 2021 respectively. See GovHK (2020, 2021a, 2021b).
  5. Xu et al. (2020).
  6. Construction Industry Council (2020).
  7. Luk et al. (2020).
  8. Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development (住房和城鄉建設部) (2021) and Minsheng Securities (民生證券) (2020).
  9. General Office of the State Council (國務院辦公廳) (2016).
  10. Kamali and Hewage (2016) and Sun et al. (2020).
  11. Abdelmageed and Zayed (2020) and McKinsey and Company (2019).
  12. Xu et al. (2020).
  13. For example, Singaporean contractors reported 10%-20% additional cost in concrete modules and 15%-25% in steel modules, compared to conventional building method. See McKinsey and Company (2019) and Ho et al. (2019).
  14. Construction Industry Council (2021b).
  15. By now, in-principle approval was granted to 49 MiC systems. See Buildings Department (2019a, 2021).
  16. A total of HK$115 million was granted to 51 MiC projects. See Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (2021a, 2021b).
  17. As at August 2021, 11 applications for MiC concession were approved. See Buildings Department (2019b) and GovHK (2021b).
  18. Development Bureau (2020).
  19. Urban Renewal Authority (2021).
  20. Sing Tao (星島網) (2020) and Construction Industry Council (2021a).
  21. Transport Department (2021).
  22. Lu and Yuan (2013).
  23. P&T Group (2019).
  24. Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (香港測量師學會) (2021) and 葉思進(2019).
  25. Department of Statistics Singapore (2021).
  26. Ministry of Manpower (2021).
  27. National Archives of Singapore (2015).
  28. Ministry of Trade and Industry (2017).
  29. Building and Construction Authority (2017) and Ministry of National Development (2020).
  30. Only applicable to "non-landed sites" which homeowners have no ownership to the land under development, like condominiums and apartments. See Singapore Statutes Online (2021).
  31. The accreditation criteria include (a) quality management system; (b) plant and design capabilities; (c) human resource requirements; (d) quality control in production; (e) storage and delivery; and (f) installation and maintenance. See Building and Construction Authority (2020b).
  32. Singapore Concrete Institute (2021).
  33. Land Transport Authority (2016).
  34. Ministry of National Development (2020).
  35. Building and Construction Authority (2021d).
  36. Building and Construction Authority (2021c).
  37. Building and Construction Authority (2021a).
  38. Building and Construction Authority (2021b).
  39. Xu et al. (2020).
  40. Ministry of National Development (2021).
  41. The reported adoption rate also included the usage of other prefabrication technologies, such as structural steel and mass engineered timber. See Housing and Development Board (2021).
  42. Building and Construction Authority (2020a).
  43. BCI Asia Construction Information (2020).

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