Housing - Housing supply

Paper no.TitlePublication date
ISSH31/2022 Rental housing for one-person households in Hong Kong 2022.11.18
FS06/2022 Housing situation and housing supply in Hong Kong 2022.10.11
IN16/20-21 Allocation mechanism of subsidized sale flats in Macao and Singapore 2021.07.21
IN08/20-21 Relocation of business operators upon land resumption in Singapore and Taiwan 2021.04.14
RB02/20-21 Socioeconomic implications of home ownership for Hong Kong 2021.03.01
IN03/19-20 Renewal of public housing in selected places 2020.02.19
FS06/18-19 Transitional housing in selected places 2019.02.18
IN16/16-17 Tenancy control in selected places 2017.07.07
ISSH19/16-17 Private housing 2017.01.26
ISSH09/16-17 Public housing 2016.11.22
IN01/16-17 Public housing development plan at Wang Chau 2016.11.10
IN18/13-14 Tenancy control in selected places 2014.07.02
IN27/12-13 Long Term Housing Strategy 2013.09.25
IN26/12-13 Public housing in Singapore 2013.06.24
IN22/12-13 Subdivided flats in Hong Kong 2013.05.28
IN20/12-13 Housing supply in Hong Kong 2013.05.28
IN15/12-13 Housing policies to assist low-income households in Singapore 2013.03.22
FS11/12-13 A summary of press reports on views and concerns expressed by different sectors of the community regarding the latest short to medium term housing and land supply measures (from 30 August 2012 to 5 November 2012) (Chinese version only) 2012.11.07
FS08/12-13 A summary of press reports on formulating the Long Term Housing Strategy (from 13 September 2012 to 17 October 2012) (Chinese version only) 2012.11.01
FS07/12-13 A summary of press reports on extending the Home Ownership Scheme secondary market to white from buyers (from 16 July 2012 to 28 October 2012) (Chinese version only) 2012.11.01
IN12/11-12 Provision of rent subsidy 2012.02.29
FS27/09-10 Mention of the presence of the South East New Territories Landfill in the sales brochures of the residential properties built near the facility 2010.07.09
FS26/09-10 Land supply, subsidized housing schemes and housing loan schemes 2010.06.23
FS23/09-10 A summary of local press reports on views of various sectors in Hong Kong on sales arrangements for first-hand private residential properties announced by the Government from 12 April to 17 May 2010 2010.05.18
IN15/04-05 Statistics on Public Rental Housing of the Hong Kong Housing Authority 2004.12.31
FS03/03-04 Real Estate Investment Trusts 2003.10.31
FS01/03-04 Measures Proposed by the Government and Different Sectors of the Community to Stabilize the Housing Market (13 November 2002 to 15 October 2003) (Chinese version only) 2003.10.16
RP08/02-03 Rental Subsidy

The research studies the experience of the United Kingdom, New South Wales of Australia and the United States in providing rental subsidy for low-income households. It covers (a) background to the establishment of the rental subsidy programme; (b) eligibility criteria of applicants; (c) extent of assistance offered to recipients; (d) financial implications on the government; (e) effectiveness of the programme; and (f) future development of the programme.
RP12/99-00 Matters Relating to Buying and Selling Residential Properties in the United Kingdom, the United States and Hong Kong

This research studies the procedures and costs of buying and selling residential properties in England and Wales of the United Kingdom, the United States and Hong Kong. It covers the procedures of buying and selling residential properties, costs incurred, role of estate agents and costs incurred by estate agents.
RP09/96-97 Supply of Flats

This research analyzes the supply of flats, covering: (a) supply of private and public housing flats from the mid-1980s to 1996, (b) forecast of private and public housing flats in the period of 1997-2006, (c) current procedures of the construction of private and public housing flats, and (d) concerns of the current development process.
RP09/95-96 Estate Agents Bill --- An Analysis of Accessibility of Information Required under Section 37 (2)

This research studies the accessibility of official property information specified under Section 37(2) of the Estate Agents Bill. It covers current ownership and subsisting incumbrances, floor area, year of completion, user restrictions, lease expiry date and right of renewal, proposed lease terms and vendor statement on structural alterations, as well as the time required and the cost incurred in obtaining such information.