Agenda for
Public Works Subcommittee Meeting
to be held on Wednesday, 19 May 2004
at 10:45 a.m. in Legislative Council Chamber
in the Legislative Council Building

Item No.Subject
Head 703 - Buildings
1.*PWSC(2004-05)117NBReprovisioning of Diamond Hill Crematorium
(In attendance : Assistant Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food (Food and Environmental Hygiene)4 / Deputy Director (Administration and Development), Food and Environmental Hygiene Department / Assistant Director (Operations)2, Food and Environmental Hygiene Department / Director of Architectural Services)

2.*PWSC(2004-05)1228NMGeneral improvement works at Aberdeen Market and Cooked Food Centre, Aberdeen
(In attendance : Assistant Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food (Food and Environmental Hygiene)4 / Deputy Director (Administration and Development), Food and Environmental Hygiene Department / Assistant Director (Operations)1, Food and Environmental Hygiene Department / Director of Architectural Services)

Head 706 - Highways

3.PWSC(2004-05)13746THReconstruction and improvement of Tuen Mun Road
(In attendance : Principal Assistant Secretary for the Environment, Transport and Works (Transport)5 / Project Manager/Major Works, Highways Department / Deputy Project Manager/Major Works(1), Highways Department / Chief Traffic Engineer/New Territories West, Transport Department)

Head 703 - Buildings

4.PWSC(2004-05)1649RERenovation of libraries
(In attendance : Principal Assistant Secretary for Home Affairs (Culture)2 (Acting) / Assistant Director (Libraries and Development), Leisure and Cultural Services Department / Director of Architectural Services)

5.PWSC(2004-05)15393ROStanley waterfront improvement project
(In attendance : Commissioner for Tourism, Economic Development and Labour Bureau / Assistant Commissioner for Tourism (4), Economic Development and Labour Bureau / Director of Architectural Services / Chief Engineer/Technical Services, Civil Engineering Department)

Head 709 - Waterworks

6.PWSC(2004-05)17100WFSheung Shui/Fanling water supply - Ping Che fresh water service reservoir
(In attendance : Director of Water Supplies / Assistant Director/New Works, Water Supplies Department)

Head 706 - Highways

7.PWSC(2004-05)14722THRetrofitting of noise barriers on Fanling Highway near Choi Yuen Estate, Sheung Shui

723THRetrofitting of noise barriers on Fanling Highway near Fanling Centre, Fanling
(In attendance : Principal Assistant Secretary for the Environment, Transport and Works (Environment)3 / Project Manager/Major Works, Highways Department / Chief Engineer/Major Works(3-2), Highways Department)

Head 708 - Capital Subventions and Major Systems and Equipment

8.PWSC(2004-05)1823EARedevelopment of The Church of Christ in China Kei Tsz Primary School at Tsz Wan Shan Road, Wong Tai Sin
(In attendance : Principal Assistant Secretary for Education and Manpower (Infrastructure and Research Support) / Chief Technical Advisor/Subvented Projects, Architectural Services Department)


(Public officers in attendance of all items : Permanent Secretary for the Environment, Transport and Works (Works) / Permanent Secretary for Housing, Planning and Lands (Planning and Lands) / Director of Environmental Protection)

* Agenda items marked with asterisk (*) are deferred from the meeting held on 5 May 2004.

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