Subcommittee to Examine
the Implementation in Hong Kong of Resolutions of the
United Nations Security Council in relation to Sanctions

Meeting on Tuesday, 12 July 2005, at 3:00 pm
in Conference Room B of the Legislative Council Building


I.Meeting with the Administration
(3:00 pm - 4:30 pm)

Submission and the Administration's response

LC Paper No. CB(1)1665/04-05(01)
(English version issued on 30.5.2005, Chinese version issued on 21.6.2005 vide LC Paper No. CB(1)1846/04-05)

-Submission dated 12 May 2005 from Professor Yash GHAI of the University of Hong Kong

LC Paper No. CB(1)1934/04-05(01)
(issued on 28.6.2005)

-The Administration's response to Professor Yash GAHI's submission

Papers provided by the Administration on Regulations gazetted since July 2004

LC Paper No. CB(1)1464/04-05(01)
(issued on 6.5.2005)

-Information paper on United Nations Sanctions (Iraq) (Amendment) Regulation 2004

LC Paper No. CB(1)1464/04-05(02)
(issued on 6.5.2005)

-Information paper on United Nations Sanctions (Liberia) Regulation 2004

LC Paper No. CB(1)1464/04-05(03)
(issued on 6.5.2005)

-Information paper on United Nations Sanctions (Democratic Republic of the Congo) Regulation

LC Paper No. CB(1)1464/04-05(04)
(issued on 6.5.2005)

-Information paper on United Nations Sanctions (Sudan) Regulation

LC Paper No. CB(1)1806/04-05(01)
(issued on 16.6.2005)

-Information paper on United Nations Sanctions (Liberia) Regulation 2005

LC Paper No. CB(1)2029/04-05(01)
(issued on 11.7.2005)

-Information paper on United Nations Sanctions (Côte d'Ivoire) Regulation

LC Paper No. CB(1)2029/04-05(02)
(issued on 11.7.2005)

-Information paper on United Nations Sanctions (Democratic Republic of the Congo) (Amendment) Regulation 2005

LC Paper No. CB(1)2029/04-05(03)
(issued on 11.7.2005)

-Information paper on United Nations Sanctions (Sudan) (Amendment) Regulation 2005

Background information

LC Paper No. CB(1)1195/04-05
(issued on 6.4.2005)

-Discussion paper prepared by the Secretariat

LC Paper No. CB(1)120/04-05(01)
(issued on 28.10.2004)

-United Nations Sanctions Ordinance (Cap. 537)

LC Paper No. CB(1)101/04-05
(issued on 28.10.2004)

-Background brief prepared by the Secretariat

Paper and reports prepared by the Legal Service Division

LC Paper No. LS89/04-05
(English version issued on 8.7.2005, Chinese version issued on 11.7.2005 vide LC Paper No. CB(1)2030/04-05)

-LegCo's power over subsidiary legislation made under Ordinances that implement international obligations

LC Paper No. LS45/04-05
(issued on 4.4.2005)

-Report on United Nations Sanctions (Sudan) Regulation (Paper for the House Committee meeting on 8 April 2005)

LC Paper No. LS40/04-05
(issued on 8.3.2005)

-Report on United Nations Sanctions (Democratic Republic of the Congo) Regulation (Paper for the House Committee meeting on 11 March 2005)

LC Paper No. LS20/04-05
(issued on 9.12.2004)

-Report on United Nations Sanctions (Liberia) Regulation 2004 (Paper for the House Committee meeting on 10 December 2004)

LC Paper No. LS16/04-05
(issued on 3.12.2004 vide LC Paper No. CB(1)398/04-05)

-Report on United Nations Sanctions (Iraq) (Amendment) Regulation 2004 (Paper for the Subcommittee)

LC Paper No. LS1/04-05
(issued on 7.10.2004)

-Report on United Nations Sanctions (Iraq) (Amendment) Regulation 2004 (Paper for the House Committee meeting on 8 October 2004)

LC Paper No. LS103/03-04
(issued on 4.8.2004)

-Further report on United Nations Sanctions (Iraq) (Amendment) Regulation 2004

LC Paper No. LS93/03-04
(issued on 28.7.2004)

-Report on United Nations Sanctions (Iraq) (Amendment) Regulation 2004

LC Paper No. LS36/03-04
(issued on 12.1.2004 and re-circulated on 28.10.2004)

-Paper for the Subcommittee on United Nations Sanctions (Liberia) Regulation 2003

Other relevant papers

LC Paper No. CB(2)2507/03-04
(issued on 25.5.2004 and re-circulated on 14.10.2004)

-Interim report of the Subcommittee on United Nations Sanctions (Liberia) Regulation 2003 to the House Committee meeting on 28 May 2004

LC Paper No. CB(2)2892/03-04
(issued on 24.6.2004 and re-circulated on 14.10.2004)

-Further report of the Subcommittee on United Nations Sanctions (Liberia) Regulation 2003 to the House Committee meeting on 25 June 2004

LC Paper No. CB(2)2879/03-04(01)
(re-circulated on 28.10.2004)

-Submission dated 18 June 2004 from Prof. Yash GHAI of the Department of Law of the University of Hong Kong to the Subcommittee on United Nations Sanctions (Liberia) Regulation 2003

II.Any other business

Council Business Division 1
Legislative Council Secretariat
11 July 2005