The Hong Kong Broadcasting Scene - 7 Programme Sources

picture 7.1  Domestic Free Television Programme Service
7.2  Domestic Pay Television Programme Service 7.3  Sound Broadcasting
14 Hong Kong as a Stepping Stone into the Mainland Market13 Other Licensable Television Programme Services12 Hong Kong as a Regional Broadcasting Hub11 Compliance with Regulatory Requirements10 Advertising Modes9 Programmes for Minority Ethnic Groups in Hong Kong8 Programme Genres7 Programme Sources6 Investment in TV Industry5 Broadcasting revenues4 Penetration of Different Broadcasting Services3 Transmission Modes2 The Broadcasting Landscape1 History

7.2 Domestic Pay Television Programme Service

Of the 207 channels offered at the end of August 2005, 27.5% (57 channels) were locally produced and 72.5% (150 channels) sourced from outside Hong Kong, mainly from the USA (26.1% or 54 channels), Mainland China (9.2% or 19 channels), Japan (8.2% or 17 channels) and European countries (8.2% or 17 channels).

Figure 19:   Programme Sources of Domestic Pay Television Programme Services





