A. Evidence/documents provided by the Civil Service Bureau

DocumentsSelect Committee reference no.
1.Letter to the Clerk to Select Committee dated 31 December 2008 C4
2.Information provided by the Administration in response to the Clerk to Select Committee's letter of 18 December 2008 C5
3.Control regime for post-service outside work of directorate civil servants C6
4.Review of policy on post-service employment of former directorate civil servants C7
5.Civil Service Bureau Circular No. 10/2005 - Taking up outside work by directorate civil servants after ceasing active service C8
6.Application form for permission to take up outside work after ceasing active government service C9
7.Establishment and organization within the Civil Service Bureau responsible for processing applications for post-service work of directorate civil servants C10
8.Civil Service Bureau Circular No. 13/95 - Acceptance of outside appointments after retirement C11
9.Civil Service Bureau Circular No. 3/97 - Permission to take up outside appointment on completion of agreement C12
10.Advisory Committee on Post-service Employment of Civil Servants - Terms of reference and membership C13
11.Guiding principles and criteria for the assessment of applications for post-service employment by directorate civil servants C14
12.Advisory Committee on Post-service Employment of Civil Servants - Note on declaration of interest C15
13.The Nineteenth Report on the Work of the Advisory Committee on Post-service Employment of Civil Servants C16
14.Case record containing the basic information on the approved outside work with New World China Land Limited taken up by Mr LEUNG Chin-man C17
15.Section 30 of the Pension Benefits Ordinance C18
16.Composition, role and duties of the Administrative Officer Grade Management C19
17.Statements issued by New World China Land Limited and Mr LEUNG Chin-man on the termination of Mr LEUNG's contract C20
18.Procedures for processing post-service outside work applications from directorate civil servants C21
19.Chronology of events on the processing of Mr LEUNG Chin-man's application for post-service employment with New World China Land Limited C22
20.Information provided by the Administration in response to the Clerk to Select Committee's letter of 9 January 2009 C23
21.Case record containing the basic information on the approved outside work with Trust Company International Pty Limited taken up by Mr LEUNG Chin-man C24
22.Case record containing the basic information on the approved outside work with Fineland Real Estate (Holdings) Company Limited taken up by Mr LEUNG Chin-man C25
23.Information provided by the Administration in response to the Clerk to Select Committee's letter of 6 April 2009 (item 2) C30
24.Posting history of Mrs Susan MAK LOK Suet-ling C31
25.Information provided by the Administration in response to the Clerk to Select Committee's letter of 6 April 2009 (relating to the Hunghom Peninsula incident) C32
26.Information provided by the Administration in response to the Clerk to Select Committee's letter of 27 April 2009 C33
27.Statement issued by the Chief Executive's Office on 4 August 2008 C34
28.Statement issued by the Transport and Housing Bureau (Housing Branch) on 15 August 2008 C35
29.Press release on the remarks by the Chief Executive dated 16 August 2008 C36
30.Information provided by the Administration in response to the Clerk to Select Committee's letter of 25 March 2009 C37
31.Extract from Annex A of the Secretary for the Civil Service's memo dated 22 January 2005 to the Independent Commission Against Corruption and the Department of Justice C38
32.Extract from the discussion paper on "Review of Policy on Post-service Employment of Former Directorate Civil Servants" and Annex B attached to the discussion paper issued to the Advisory Committee on Post-retirement Employment (now renamed as the Advisory Committee on Post-service Employment of Civil Servants) for discussion on 7 March 2005 C39
33.Extract from the Notes of Meeting of the Advisory Committee on Post-retirement Employment held on 7 March 2005 to discuss the paper on "Review of Policy on Post-retirement Employment" C40
34.Extract from the consultation paper on "Review of Policy on Post-service Employment of Former Directorate Civil Servants" and Annex B attached to the consultation paper issued to the relevant Staff Councils, Permanent Secretaries and Heads of Department/Grade C41
35.Extract of views from Bureaux/Departments, Staff Councils/Associations and Individual Officers/Groups of Officers on the "Approving Criteria" proposed in the consultation paper on "Review of Policy on Post-service Employment of Former Civil Servants" issued in March 2005 C42
36.Discussion paper on "Review of Policy on Post-service Employment of Former Directorate Civil Servants" issued to the Panel on Public Service for discussion on 21 March 2005 C43
37.Extract from the minutes of the Panel on Public Service meeting held on 21 March 2005 on discussion on the findings and preliminary proposals from the Civil Service Bureau's review of the policy on post-retirement employment of former directorate civil servants C44
38.Extract from the discussion paper on "Review of Policy on Post-service Employment of Former Directorate Civil Servants - Summary of Comments Received" issued to the Civil Service Bureau Strategy Group for discussion on 23 May 2005 C45
39.Extract from Annex A attached to the discussion paper on "Review of Policy on Post-service Employment of Former Directorate Civil Servants" issued to the Civil Service Bureau Strategy Group for discussion on 2 August 2005 C46
40.Extract from the discussion paper on "Review of Policy on Post-service Employment of Former Directorate Civil Servants" and Annexes A and B of the discussion paper issued to the Advisory Committee on Post-retirement Employment for discussion on 5 October 2005 C47
41.Extract from the minutes of the Panel on Public Service meeting held on 21 November 2005 on the discussion on review of policy on post-service employment of former directorate civil servants C48
42.Information provided by the Administration in response to the Clerk to Select Committee's letter of 20 April 2009 C49
43.Further information provided by the Administration in response to the Clerk to Select Committee's letter of 6 April 2009 (relating to the Hunghom Peninsula incident) C50
44.Information provided by the Administration in response to the Clerk to Select Committee's letter of 4 June 2009 C51
45.Information provided by the Administration in response to the Clerk to Select Committee's letter of 11 May 2009 C53
46.Membership of the Public Service Commission since establishment in 1950 C54
47.Information provided by the Administration in response to the Clerk to Select Committee's letter of 16 September 2009 C55
48.Information provided by the Administration in response to the Clerk to Select Committee's letter of 12 November 2009 C57
49.Information provided by the Administration in response to the Clerk to Select Committee's letter of 6 November 2009 C58
50.Information provided by the Administration in response to the Clerk to Select Committee's letter of 3 December 2009 C59
51.Information provided by the Administration in response to the Clerk to Select Committee's letter of 5 January 2010 C60
52.Information provided by the Administration in response to the Clerk to Select Committee's letter of 2 March 2010 C61
53.Civil Service Bureau Circular No. 8/2002 - The Role and Responsibilities of Civil Servants in relation to Principal Officials appointed under the Accountability System C62
54.Civil Service Bureau Memorandum No. 10/2002 - Accountability System for Principal Officials - Changes in Delegation of Authority on Civil Service Management and the Chinese Titles of Posts and Work Schedules in the Civil Service Bureau C63
55.Civil Service Bureau Circular No. 9/2009 - Civil Service Code C64
56.Information provided by the Administration in response to the Clerk to Select Committee's letter of 1 April 2010 C65
57.Information provided by the Administration in response to the Clerk to Select Committee's letter of 14 June 2010 C66
58.Tables on post-service outside work applications from former directorate civil servants who left the civil service on grounds other than retirement from 1 January 2007 to 31 May 2010 C67
59.Information note on Mr LEUNG Chin-man's application with Fineland Real Estate (Holdings) Company Limited C1(C)*
60.Application form provided by Mr LEUNG Chin-man for post-service work with New World China Land Limited C2(C)*
61.Approval letter from Secretary for the Civil Service to Mr LEUNG Chin-man dated 9 July 2008 C3(C)*
62.Secretary for the Civil Service's letter dated 4 August 2008 seeking Mr LEUNG Chin-man's clarification on his appointment with New World China Land Limited C4(C)*
63.Letters dated 11 August 2008 from Mr LEUNG Chin-man and New World China Land Limited to the Secretary for the Civil Service C5(C)*
64.Email from Mr LEUNG Chin-man dated 16 August 2008 notifying the Civil Service Bureau of his resignation from New World China Land Limited and the Bureau's acknowledgement dated 18 August 2008 C6(C)*
65.Information note on Mr LEUNG Chin-man's application with Trust Company International Pty Limited C7(C)*
66.Submission dated 10 June 2008 to the Deputy Secretary (Civil Service)1 seeking her views and assessment on Mr LEUNG Chin-man's application C8(C)*
67.Submission dated 25 June 2008 to the Deputy Secretary (Civil Service)1 C9(C)*
68.Submission dated 4 July 2008 to the Secretary for the Civil Service seeking her approval on Mr LEUNG Chin-man's application C10(C)*
69.Secretary for the Civil Service's memo dated 19 May 2008 to three Permanent Secretaries seeking their comments on Mr LEUNG Chin-man's application C11(C)*
70.Memo dated 26 May 2008 from the Permanent Secretary (Works) to the Secretary for the Civil Service providing comments and observations on Mr LEUNG Chin-man's application C12(C)*
71.Memo dated 30 May 2008 from the Permanent Secretary for Development (Planning and Lands) to the Secretary for the Civil Service providing information on the Government's contractual dealings with New World China Land Limited and its parent company C13(C)*
72.Exchange of email between the Secretary for the Civil Service and the Permanent Secretary for Development (Planning and Lands) dated 30 May 2008 in relation to further comments on Mr LEUNG Chin-man's application C14(C)*
73.Memo dated 5 June 2008 from the Permanent Secretary for Transport and Housing (Housing) to the Secretary for the Civil Service providing recommendation on Mr LEUNG Chin-man's application C15(C)*
74.Memo dated 10 June 2008 from the Permanent Secretary for Transport and Housing (Housing) to the Secretary for the Civil Service providing assessment on Mr LEUNG Chin-man's application C16(C)*
75.Exchange of email between the Secretary for the Civil Service and the Permanent Secretary for Development (Works) dated 17 and 24 June 2008 in relation to further comments on Mr LEUNG Chin-man's application C17(C)*
76.Internal records of the Transport and Housing Bureau (Housing Branch) on Mr LEUNG Chin-man's application C18(C)*
77.Internal records of the Development Bureau (Planning and Lands Branch) on Mr LEUNG Chin-man's application C19(C)*
78.Internal records of the Development Bureau (Works Branch) on Mr LEUNG Chin-man's application C20(C)*
79.Fax dated 30 June 2008 from the Secretary to the Advisory Committee on Post-service Employment of Civil Servants to the Chairman of the Advisory Committee on Post-service Employment of Civil Servants on Mr LEUNG Chin-man's application C21(C)*
80.Paper from the Secretary to the Advisory Committee on Post-service Employment of Civil Servants to members of the Advisory Committee on Post-service Employment of Civil Servants dated 2 July 2008 on Mr LEUNG Chin-man's application C22(C)*
81.Reply slip from the members of the Advisory Committee on Post-service Employment of Civil Servants on Mr LEUNG Chin-man's application C23(C)*
82.Information note on Mr LEUNG Chin-man's application with the Hong Kong Housing Society C24(C)*
83.Application form from Mr LEUNG Chin-man for post-service work with Trust Company International Pty Limited C25(C)*
84.Memo dated 27 November 2006 from the Secretary for the Civil Service to the Permanent Secretary for Housing, Planning and Lands (Housing) and the Permanent Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury (Financial Services) seeking their comments on Mr LEUNG Chin-man's application for post-service work with Trust Company International Pty Limited C26(C)*
85.Memo dated 28 November 2006 from the Permanent Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury (Financial Services) providing comments on Mr LEUNG Chin-man's application for post-service work with Trust Company International Pty Limited C27(C)*
86.Memo dated 4 December 2006 from the Permanent Secretary for Housing, Planning and Lands (Housing) providing completed assessment on Mr LEUNG Chin-man's application for post-service work Trust Company International Pty Limited C28(C)*
87.Submission dated 4 December 2006 to the Deputy Secretary (Civil Service)1 seeking her views and assessment on Mr LEUNG Chin-man's application for post-service work with Trust Company International Pty Limited C29(C)*
88.Submission dated 11 December 2006 to the Deputy Secretary (Civil Service)1 on Mr LEUNG Chin-man's application for post-service work with Trust Company International Pty Limited C30(C)*
89.Submission dated 19 December 2006 to the Deputy Secretary (Civil Service)1 proposing an additional restriction on Mr LEUNG Chin-man's application for post-service work with Trust Company International Pty Limited C31(C)*
90.Fax dated 21 December 2006 from the Secretary to the Advisory Committee on Post-service Employment of Civil Servants to the Chairman of the Advisory Committee on Post-service Employment of Civil Servants seeking his views on Mr LEUNG Chin-man's application for post-service work with Trust Company International Pty Limited C32(C)*
91.Paper dated 22 December 2006 from the Secretary to the Advisory Committee on Post-service Employment of Civil Servants to the members of the Advisory Committee on Post-service Employment of Civil Servants seeking their views on Mr LEUNG Chin-man's application for post-service work with Trust Company International Pty Limited C33(C)*
92.Reply slips from the members of the Advisory Committee on Post-service Employment of Civil Servants providing their views on Mr LEUNG Chin-man's application for post-service work with Trust Company International Pty Limited C34(C)*
93.Submission dated 3 January 2007 to the Secretary for the Civil Service seeking her approval on Mr LEUNG Chin-man's application for post-service work with Trust Company International Pty Limited C35(C)*
94.Approval letter dated 4 January 2007 from the Civil Service Bureau to Mr LEUNG Chin-man on his application for post-service work with Trust Company International Pty Limited C36(C)*
95.Letter dated 24 January 2007 from Mr LEUNG Chin-man to the Civil Service Bureau advising the change of his job title with Trust Company International Pty Limited C37(C)*
96.Memo dated 25 January 2007 from the Secretary for the Civil Service to the Permanent Secretary for Housing, Planning and Lands (Housing) and the Permanent Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury (Financial Services) seeking their comments on Mr LEUNG Chin-man's revised scope of appointment with Trust Company International Pty Limited C38(C)*
97.Memo dated 26 January 2007 from the Permanent Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury (Financial Services) to the Secretary for the Civil Service expressing no objection to Mr LEUNG Chin-man's revised scope of appointment with Trust Company International Pty Limited C39(C)*
98.Memo dated 29 January 2007 from the Permanent Secretary for Housing, Planning and Lands (Housing) to the Secretary for the Civil Service expressing no objection to Mr LEUNG Chin-man's revised scope of appointment with Trust Company International Pty Limited C40(C)*
99.Fax dated 29 January 2007 from the Secretary to the Advisory Committee on Post-service Employment of Civil Servants to the Chairman of the Advisory Committee on Post-service Employment of Civil Servants seeking his views on Mr LEUNG Chin-man's revised scope of appointment with Trust Company International Pty Limited C41(C)*
100.Paper dated 29 January 2007 from the Secretary to the Advisory Committee on Post-service Employment of Civil Servants to the members of the Advisory Committee on Post-service Employment of Civil Servants seeking their views on Mr LEUNG Chin-man's revised scope of appointment with Trust Company International Pty Limited C42(C)*
101.Reply slips from the members of the Advisory Committee on Post-service Employment of Civil Servants providing their views on Mr LEUNG Chin-man's revised scope of appointment with Trust Company International Pty Limited C43(C)*
102.Submission dated 31 January 2007 to the Secretary for the Civil Service seeking her approval on Mr LEUNG Chin-man's revised scope of appointment with Trust Company International Pty Limited C44(C)*
103.Approval letter dated 2 February 2007 from the Civil Service Bureau to Mr LEUNG Chin-man regarding his revised scope of appointment with Trust Company International Pty Limited C45(C)*
104.Application form from Mr LEUNG Chin-man for post-service work with Fineland Real Estate (Holdings) Company Limited C46(C)*
105.Memo dated 29 November 2007 from the Secretary for the Civil Service to the Permanent Secretary for Housing, Planning and Lands (Housing) seeking his comments on Mr LEUNG Chin-man's application for post-service work with Fineland Real Estate (Holdings) Company Limited C47(C)*
106.Memo dated 7 December 2007 from the Permanent Secretary for Housing, Planning and Lands (Housing) providing completed assessment on Mr LEUNG Chin-man's application for post-service work with Fineland Real Estate (Holdings) Company Limited C48(C)*
107.Submission dated 12 December 2007 to the Deputy Secretary (Civil Service)1 seeking her views and assessment on Mr LEUNG Chin-man's application for post-service work with Fineland Real Estate (Holdings) Company Limited C49(C)*
108.File minute dated 17 December 2007 from the Deputy Secretary (Civil Service)1 setting out her views on Mr LEUNG Chin-man's application for post-service work with Fineland Real Estate (Holdings) Company Limited C50(C)*
109.Submission dated 18 December 2007 to the Deputy Secretary (Civil Service)1 on Mr LEUNG Chin-man's application for post-service work with Fineland Real Estate (Holdings) Company Limited C51(C)*
110.Fax dated 20 December 2007 from the Secretary to the Advisory Committee on Post-Service Employment of Civil Servants to the Chairman of the Advisory Committee on Post-Service Employment of Civil Servants seeking his views on Mr LEUNG Chin-man's application for post-service work with Fineland Real Estate (Holdings) Company Limited C52(C)*
111.Paper dated 20 December 2007 from the Secretary to the Advisory Committee on Post-Service Employment of Civil Servants to the members of the Advisory Committee on Post-Service Employment of Civil Servants seeking their views on Mr LEUNG Chin-man's application for post-service work with Fineland Real Estate (Holdings) Company Limited C53(C)*
112.Reply slips from the members of the Advisory Committee on Post-Service Employment of Civil Servants providing their views on Mr LEUNG Chin-man's application for post-service work with Fineland Real Estate (Holdings) Company Limited C54(C)*
113.Submission dated 4 January 2008 to the Secretary for the Civil Service seeking her approval on Mr LEUNG Chin-man's application for post-service work with Fineland Real Estate (Holdings) Company Limited C55(C)*
114.Approval letter dated 10 January 2008 from the Civil Service Bureau to Mr LEUNG Chin-man regarding his application for post-service work with Fineland Real Estate (Holdings) Company Limited C56(C)*
115.Letter dated 9 August 2008 from Mr LEUNG Chin-man informing the Civil Service Bureau of his resignation from Fineland Real Estate (Holdings) Company Limited as from 1 August 2008 C57(C)*
116.Application form provided by Mr LEUNG Chin-man for the post-service work with PuraPharm International (Hong Kong) Limited C58(C)*
117.Submission dated 3 January 2007 to the Secretary for the Civil Service seeking her approval on Mr LEUNG Chin-man's application for post-service work with PuraPharm International (Hong Kong) Limited C59(C)*
118.Memo dated 7 December 2006 from the Permanent Secretary for Housing, Planning and Lands (Housing) to the Secretary for the Civil Service C60(C)*
119.Memo dated 12 December 2006 from the Director of Health to the Secretary for the Civil Service C61(C)*
120.Memo dated 13 December 2006 from the Permanent Secretary for Health and Welfare (Acting) to the Secretary for the Civil Service C62(C)*
121.Assessment dated 15 December 2006 made by the Deputy Secretary for the Civil Service 1 as the Administrative Officer Grade Management C63(C)*
122.Paper dated 22 December 2006 from the Secretary to the Advisory Committee on Post-Service Employment of Civil Servants to the members of the Advisory Committee on Post-Service Employment of Civil Servants with the views of the Chairman of the Advisory Committee on Post-Service Employment of Civil Servants incorporated C64(C)*
123.Reply slips from the members of the Advisory Committee on Post-Service Employment of Civil Servants providing their views on Mr LEUNG Chin-man's application for post-service work with PuraPharm International (Hong Kong) Limited C65(C)*
124.Information note on Mr LEUNG Chin-man's application for post-service work with PuraPharm International (Hong Kong) Limited C66(C)*
125.Application form provided by Mr LEUNG Chin-man for post-service work with the Hong Kong Housing Society C67(C)*
126.Exchange of e-mails dated 1 September 2006 between the Civil Service Bureau and Mr LEUNG Chin-man C68(C)*
127.Application form provided by Mr Bowen LEUNG Po-wing for post-service work with New World China Land Limited C69(C)*
128.Chronology on the consultation process on Mr Bowen LEUNG Po-wing's application for post-service work with New World China Land Limited C70(C)*
129.Memo dated 3 January 2008 from the Secretary for the Civil Service to the Chief Secretary for Administration's Office seeking the Chief Secretary for Administration's comments on Mr Bowen LEUNG Po-wing's application C71(C)*
130.Memo dated 3 January 2008 from the Secretary for the Civil Service to the Permanent Secretary for Development (Planning and Lands) and the Permanent Secretary for Development (Works) seeking their comments on Mr Bowen LEUNG Po-wing's application C72(C)*
131.Memo dated 4 January 2008 from the Administrative Assistant to the Chief Secretary for Administration to the Secretary for the Civil Service C73(C)*
132.Memo dated 15 January 2008 from the Permanent Secretary for Development (Works) to the Secretary for the Civil Service C74(C)*
133.Memo dated 31 January 2008 from the Permanent Secretary for Development (Planning and Lands) to the Secretary for the Civil Service C75(C)*
134.Submission dated 1 February 2008 from the Chief Executive Officer (Pensions) to the Deputy Secretary for the Civil Service 1 regarding Mr Bowen LEUNG Po-wing's application C76(C)*
135.Fax dated 12 February 2008 from the Secretary to the Advisory Committee on Post-Service Employment of Civil Servants to the Chairman of the Advisory Committee on Post-Service Employment of Civil Servants regarding Mr Bowen LEUNG Po-wing's application for post-service work with New World China Land Limited C77(C)*
136.Paper dated 13 February 2008 from the Secretary to the Advisory Committee on Post-Service Employment of Civil Servants to the members of the Advisory Committee on Post-Service Employment of Civil Servants which was copied to the Chairman of the Advisory Committee on Post-Service Employment of Civil Servants C78(C)*
137.Reply slips from the members of the Advisory Committee on Post-Service Employment of Civil Servants providing their views on Mr Bowen LEUNG Po-wing's application for post-service work with New World China Land Limited C79(C)*
138.Submission dated 18 February 2008 to the Secretary for the Civil Service seeking her approval of Mr Bowen LEUNG Po-wing's application for post-service work with New World China Land Limited C80(C)*
139.Approval letter dated 20 February 2008 issued to Mr Bowen LEUNG Po-wing C81(C)*
140.Letter dated 31 March 2008 from the Secretary for the Civil Service to Mr Bowen LEUNG Po-wing inviting him to provide an update of his post-service outside work C82(C)*
141.Record of particulars dated 13 April 2008 provided by Mr Bowen LEUNG Po-wing C83(C)*
142.Exchange of e-mails dated 21 February 2008 between the Civil Service Bureau and Mr Bowen LEUNG Po-wing C84(C)*
143.Paper provided by the Administration concerning information that has been obliterated (as at 2 February 2009) C26*
144.Information provided by the Administration in response to the Clerk to Select Committee's letter of 16 February 2009 concerning information that has been obliterated C27*
145.Information provided by the Administration in response to the Clerk to Select Committee's letter of 23 February 2009 concerning information that has been obliterated C28*
146.Information provided by the Administration in response to the Clerk to Select Committee's letter of 26 February 2009 concerning information that has been obliterated C29*
147.Information provided by the Administration in response to the Clerk to Select Committee's letter of 14 May 2009 concerning information that has been obliterated C52*

* Documents not available for public inspection