Panel on Development and Panel on Environmental Affairs

Joint meeting on
Monday, 14 December 2009, at 10:45 am
in the Chamber of the Legislative Council Building


I.Election of Chairman
(10:45 am - 10:50 am)

II.Green buildings
(10:50 am - 12:40 pm)

Meeting with the deputations

  1. WWF Hong Kong

  2. Designing Hong Kong Ltd

  3. Professional Green Building Council

  4. The Hong Kong Institute of Architects

  5. Green Council
    LC Paper No. CB(1) 589/09-10(01) (English version only) (issued)

  6. The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors

  7. Green Sense
    LC Paper No. CB(1) 660/09-10(01) (Chinese version only) (issued)

  8. The Hong Kong Construction Association Ltd

  9. The Civic Party

  10. The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers

  11. Hong Kong Institute of Real Estate Administrators

  12. Masterplan Ltd
    LC Paper No. CB(1) 632/09-10(01) (English version only) (issued)

  13. Civic Exchange
Submissions from deputations not attending the meeting

LC Paper No. CB(1) 589/09-10(02)
(issued on 8 December 2009)

-Submission from The Conservancy Association (Chinese version only)

LC Paper No. CB(1) 589/09-10(03)
(issued on 8 December 2009)

-Submission from The Real Estate Developers Association of Hong Kong attaching a consultancy report on "Building a Quality and Sustainable Hong Kong" (English version only)

Meeting with the Administration

LC Paper No. CB(1) 589/09-10(04)
(English version issued on 8 December 2009)
(Chinese version issued on 9 December 2009)

-Administration's paper on green buildings

LC Paper No. CB(1) 589/09-10(05)
(issued on 8 December 2009)

-Paper on review of measures to foster a quality and sustainable built environment prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (background brief)

Relevant papers

LC Paper No. CB(1) 396/08-09(05)
(issued for the Development Panel meeting on 19 December 2008)

-Administration's paper on public engagement on measures to foster a quality and sustainable built environment

LC Paper No. CB(1) 2197/08-09(03)
(issued for the Environmental Affairs Panel meeting on 15 July 2009)

-Administration's paper on Legislative framework of mandatory implementation of the Building Energy Codes

LC Paper No. CB(1) 2342/08-09(01)
(issued for the Development Panel meeting on 28 July 2009)

-Administration's paper on public engagement process on "Building Design to Foster a Quality and Sustainable Built Environment" of the Council for Sustainable Development

III.Any other business
(12:40 pm - 12:45 pm)

Council Business Division 1
Legislative Council Secretariat
14 December 2009