BulletYear 2011 - 2012
BulletYear 2010 - 2011
BulletYear 2009 - 2010
BulletYear 2008 - 2009
BulletSpecial meeting under Rule 15(2) of the Rules of Procedure

BulletMotions not intended to have legislative effect (Year 2011 - 2012)

To view the wording of motions (and amendments to these motions), click the relevant links in the Subject column.

To view the votes cast by individual Members, click the relevant links in the Voting Results column.

    October 2011 12* 13* 19 26, 27 & 28
    November 2011 2 9 16 23 30
    December 2011 7 & 8# 14 & 15 21#
    January 2012 11 18 19*
    February 2012 1* 8 & 9 15 22 29 &
    1 March 2012
    March 2012 1* 21 & 22* 28 & 29*
    April 2012 18 & 19 25
    May 2012 2 & 3 9, 10 & 11 16, 17 & 18 23, 24 & 25 30, 31 &
    1 June 2012
    June 2012 6, 7 & 8 13, 14, 15 & 19 14* 20, 21, 22 & 25 27, 28, 29 &
    3 July 2012
    July 2012 4, 5, 6, 9 & 10 11, 12, 13, 16 & 17# 16*

    * No debates on motions not intended to have legislative effect will be scheduled for such meetings.
    # Motions on Adjournment are moved at such meetings.

Meeting date Subject Motion Moved by Voting Results Vote sequence
19.10.11 Calling upon persons intending to run in the Chief Executive Election to respond to people's aspirations Original Hon Alan LEONG Negatived 4
Amendment to Original Hon Frederick FUNG Negatived 1
Amendment to Original Hon TAM Yiu-chung Negatived 3
Amendment to Amendment Hon IP Wai-ming Negatived 2
Motion negatived
19.10.11 Opposing foreign domestic helpers' enjoyment of the right of abode in Hong Kong Original Hon WONG Ting-kwong Negatived 5
Amendment to Original Hon WONG Kwok-hing Negatived 1
Amendment to Original Hon Alan LEONG Negatived 2
Amendment to Original Hon James TO Negatived 3
Amendment to Original Hon Paul TSE Negatived 4
Motion negatived
26.10.11 Motion of Thanks Original Hon Miriam LAU Negatived 6
Amendment to Original Hon Frederick FUNG Negatived 1
Amendment to Original Hon LEE Wing-tat Negatived 2
Amendment to Original Hon CHEUNG Man-kwong Negatived 3
Amendment to Original Hon WONG Sing-chi Negatived 4
Amendment to Original Hon Emily LAU Negatived 5
Motion negatived
2.11.11 Alleviating the financial burden of middle-class people Original Hon LAU Kong-wah - -
Amendment to Original Hon WONG Kwok-hing Passed 1
Amendment to Original Hon Paul CHAN Passed 2
Amendment to Original Hon Albert HO Passed 3
Amendment to Original Hon LEE Wing-tat Passed 4
Amendment to Original Hon WONG Sing-chi Passed 5
Amendment to Original Hon KAM Nai-wai Passed 6
Amendment to Original Hon Miriam LAU Withdrawn -
Amendment to Original Hon Audrey EU Negatived 7
Amendment to Original Dr Hon LEUNG Ka-lau Passed 8
Original as amended - Passed 9
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
2.11.11 Comprehensively reforming the Mandatory Provident Fund Scheme Original Hon TAM Yiu-chung - -
Amendment to Original Hon IP Wai-ming Negatived 1
Amendment to Original Hon CHAN Kin-por Passed 2
Amendment to Original Hon James TO Passed 3
Amendment to Original Hon LI Fung-ying Negatived 4
Amendment to Original Hon Alan LEONG Passed 5
Original as amended - Passed 6
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
9.11.11 Assisting the public in coping with economic fluctuations Original Dr Hon Philip WONG - -
Amendment to Original Hon WONG Sing-chi Passed 1
Amendment to Original Dr Hon PAN Pey-chyou Negatived 2
Amendment to Original Hon Tanya CHAN Passed 3
Original as amended - Passed 4
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
9.11.11 Comprehensively reviewing the Disability Allowance scheme Original Hon WONG Kwok-hing - -
Amendment to Original Hon WONG Sing-chi Passed 1
Amendment to Original Hon TAM Yiu-chung Passed 2
Amendment to Original Dr Hon PAN Pey-chyou Withdrawn -
Amendment to Original Hon Ronny TONG Passed 3
Original as amended - Passed 4
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
16.11.11 Comprehensively improving the water quality of the Victoria Harbour Original Dr Hon Priscilla LEUNG - -
Amendment to Original Hon KAM Nai-wai Negatived 1
Amendment to Original Dr Hon PAN Pey-chyou Passed 2
Amendment to Original Hon Audrey EU Withdrawn -
Original as amended - Passed 3
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
16.11.11 Enacting an archives law Original Dr Hon Margaret NG Negatived 3
Amendment to Original Hon Paul TSE Negatived 1
Amendment to Original Hon Cyd HO Negatived 2
Motion negatived
23.11.11 Defending freedom of the press Original Hon Emily LAU Negatived -
Motion negatived
23.11.11 Improving further education and employment of sub-degree students Original Hon Cyd HO - -
Amendment to Original Hon CHEUNG Man-kwong Passed 1
Amendment to Original Hon WONG Kwok-hing Passed 3
Amendment to Original Hon Starry LEE Passed 4
Amendment to Original Dr Hon Priscilla LEUNG Passed 5
Amendment to Original Hon Tanya CHAN Withdrawn -
Amendment to Amendment Hon CHAN Hak-kan Passed 2
Original as amended - Passed 6
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
30.11.11 Comprehensively reviewing and perfecting the Work Incentive Transport Subsidy Scheme Original Hon WONG Sing-chi - -
Amendment to Original Hon LI Fung-ying Negatived 1
Amendment to Original Hon IP Wai-ming Passed 2
Amendment to Original Hon IP Kwok-him Passed 3
Amendment to Original Hon Miriam LAU Passed 4
Original as amended - Passed 5
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
30.11.11 Establishing an independent statutory Office of the Health Service Ombudsman Original Hon Andrew CHENG - -
Amendment to Original Dr Hon PAN Pey-chyou Passed 1
Amendment to Original Hon Paul CHAN Passed 2
Amendment to Original Hon CHAN Hak-kan Passed 3
Original as amended - Passed 4
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
7.12.11 Reforming governance philosophy, resolving deep-rooted conflicts in society and alleviating the disparity between the rich and the poor Original Hon Frederick FUNG Passed 3
Amendment to Original Hon IP Kwok-him Negatived 1
Amendment to Original Hon Audrey EU Withdrawn -
Amendment to Original Hon Albert CHAN Negatived 2
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
7.12.11 That this Council do now adjourn for the purpose of debating the following issue: the fire tragedy at Fa Yuen Street in Mong Kok and ways to improve street environment and fire safety of buildings for the purposes of avoiding the recurrence of similar incidents and safeguarding the lives and properties of the public.

(Motion on Adjournment moved upon the recommendation of the House Committee on 2.12.2011)

(Related rule: Rule 16(4))
Original Hon James TO - -
Motion on Adjournment not voted upon
(Related rule: Rule 16(7))
14.12.11 Capitalizing on the opportunity presented by the building of a cruise terminal to develop Kowloon East into a business and tourism district Original Hon Paul TSE - -
Amendment to Original Hon CHAN Kam-lam Passed 1
Amendment to Original Hon Alan LEONG Passed 2
Amendment to Original Hon WONG Kwok-kin Passed 3
Amendment to Original Hon Fred LI Passed 4
Original as amended - Passed 5
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
14.12.11 Alleviating the difficulties of small and medium enterprises in taking out insurance Original Hon Tommy CHEUNG - -
Amendment to Original Hon CHAN Kin-por Passed 1
Amendment to Original Hon WONG Kwok-hing Passed 2
Amendment to Original Hon LEE Cheuk-yan Negatived 3
Original as amended - Passed 4
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
21.12.11 Expeditiously regulating the investment and over-the-counter trading activities of Loco London gold Original Hon WONG Kwok-hing Passed -
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
21.12.11 Improving the voter registration system to rebuild people's confidence in the electoral system Original Hon KAM Nai-wai - -
Amendment to Original Hon Ronny TONG Negatived 1
Amendment to Original Dr Hon Philip WONG Passed 2
Amendment to Original Hon Albert CHAN Negatived 3
Original as amended - Passed 4
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
21.12.11 That this Council do now adjourn for the purpose of debating the following issue: the impact of the announcement made by CLP Power Hong Kong Limited and The Hongkong Electric Company Limited to substantially increase tariffs from 1 January next year on the general public and enterprises, as well as the Government's corresponding measures.

(Motion on Adjournment moved upon the recommendation of the House Committee on 16.12.2011)

(Related rule: Rule 16(4))
Original Hon Starry LEE - -
Motion on Adjournment not voted upon
(Related rule: Rule 16(7))
11.1.12 Formulating a comprehensive mental health policy Original Hon CHEUNG Kwok-che - -
Amendment to Original Dr Hon Joseph LEE Passed 1
Amendment to Original Hon CHEUNG Man-kwong Negatived 2
Amendment to Original Dr Hon PAN Pey-chyou Passed 3
Amendment to Original Hon Alan LEONG Passed 4
Original as amended - Passed 5
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
11.1.12 Reviewing the population policy Original Hon Vincent FANG Negatived 6
Amendment to Original Hon Albert HO Negatived 1
Amendment to Original Hon IP Kwok-him Negatived 2
Amendment to Original Hon WONG Kwok-hing Negatived 3
Amendment to Original Hon Paul TSE Negatived 4
Amendment to Original Hon Alan LEONG Negatived 5
Motion negatived
18.1.12 Annual Report 2010 to the Chief Executive by the Commissioner on Interception of Communications and Surveillance Original Hon James TO Passed -
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
18.1.12 Creating a sustainable and open electricity market Original Hon Audrey EU - -
Amendment to Original Hon Fred LI Passed 1
Amendment to Original Hon Miriam LAU Negatived 2
Amendment to Original Hon IP Wai-ming Negatived 3
Amendment to Original Hon Starry LEE Passed 4
Amendment to Original Hon LEE Cheuk-yan Negatived 5
Original as amended - Passed 6
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
8.2.12 Reviewing the education policy for ethnic minority students Original Hon Abraham SHEK - -
Amendment to Original Hon Tanya CHAN Passed 1
Amendment to Original Hon Starry LEE Passed 2
Original as amended - Passed 3
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
8.2.12 Formulating an industrial policy Original Hon Andrew LEUNG - -
Amendment to Original Hon IP Wai-ming Passed 1
Amendment to Original Hon Ronny TONG Passed 2
Original as amended - Passed 3
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
15.2.12 Report of the delegation of the Panel on Manpower to study the experience in the implementation of standard working hours in the Republic of Korea Original Hon LEE Cheuk-yan Passed -
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
15.2.12 Government-led promotion of a territory-wide energy conservation campaign Original Hon CHAN Kin-por - -
Amendment to Original Hon KAM Nai-wai Negatived 1
Amendment to Original Hon CHAN Hak-kan Passed 2
Amendment to Original Hon Audrey EU Negatived 3
Original as amended - Passed 4
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
22.2.12 Reiterating Hong Kong's core values Original Hon Ronny TONG Negatived 8
Amendment to Original Hon James TO Negatived 1
Amendment to Original Hon WONG Kwok-kin Negatived 2
Amendment to Original Hon Cyd HO Negatived 3
Amendment to Original Hon WONG Sing-chi Negatived 4
Amendment to Original Hon CHAN Hak-kan Negatived 5
Amendment to Original Dr Hon LEUNG Ka-lau Negatived 6
Amendment to Original Hon Albert CHAN Negatived 7
Motion negatived
22.2.12 Strengthening the support for persons suffering from dementia and their carers Original Dr Hon PAN Pey-chyou - -
Amendment to Original Hon WONG Sing-chi Passed 1
Amendment to Original Dr Hon Joseph LEE Passed 2
Amendment to Original Hon Alan LEONG Passed 3
Original as amended - Passed 4
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
29.2.12 That this Council do now adjourn for the purpose of debating the following issue: the integrity and probity of the Chief Executive and his responsibility for upholding the fairness and impartiality of the next Chief Executive Election to be held on 25 March.

(Related rule: Rule 16(2))
Original Hon Cyd HO - -
Motion on Adjournment negatived
29.2.12 Report of the Subcommittee to Study Issues Relating to the Power of the Legislative Council to Amend Subsidiary Legislation Original Dr Hon Margaret NG Passed -
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
29.2.12 Expanding land resources Original Hon CHEUNG Hok-ming Negatived 5
Amendment to Original Hon CHAN Hak-kan Negatived 1
Amendment to Original Hon LEE Wing-tat Negatived 2
Amendment to Original Hon Tanya CHAN Negatived 3
Amendment to Original Hon Albert CHAN Negatived 4
Motion negatived
18.4.12 Perfecting Hong Kong's housing policy Original Hon WONG Kwok-kin - -
Amendment to Original Hon WONG Sing-chi Passed 1
Amendment to Original Hon Miriam LAU Passed 2
Amendment to Original Ir Dr Hon Raymond HO Passed 3
Amendment to Original Hon LEE Cheuk-yan Negatived 4
Original as amended - Passed 5
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
18.4.12 Vote of no confidence in the Chief Executive Original Hon Tanya CHAN Negatived -
Motion negatived
25.4.12 Making recommendations to the fourth term Chief Executive Original Hon CHIM Pui-chung Negatived 8
Amendment to Original Hon Albert HO Negatived 1
Amendment to Original Hon Frederick FUNG Negatived 2
Amendment to Original Dr Hon PAN Pey-chyou Negatived 3
Amendment to Original Hon Miriam LAU Negatived 4
Amendment to Original Hon IP Wai-ming Negatived 5
Amendment to Original Hon Ronny TONG Negatived 6
Amendment to Original Hon CHEUNG Hok-ming Negatived 7
Motion negatived
25.4.12 Defending academic freedom and institutional autonomy Original Hon CHEUNG Man-kwong Negatived 3
Amendment to Original Hon Audrey EU Negatived 1
Amendment to Original Hon Albert CHAN Negatived 2
Motion negatived
11.7.12 The 4 June incident
(Motion which was originally scheduled to be moved at the Council meeting of 2 May 2012.)
Motion not dealt with
11.7.12 Actively studying the establishment of a middle class commission
(Motion which was originally scheduled to be moved at the Council meeting of 2 May 2012.)
Motion not dealt with
11.7.12 Caring about the education, employment and housing problems faced by young people
(Motion which was originally scheduled to be moved at the Council meeting of 9 May 2012.)
Motion not dealt with
11.7.12 Opposing Hong Kong communists ruling Hong Kong
(Motion which was originally scheduled to be moved at the Council meeting of 9 May 2012.)
Motion not dealt with
11.7.12 Enhancing the accountability of charities and complying with the best practices in corporate governance
(Motion which was originally scheduled to be moved at the Council meeting of 16 May 2012.)
Motion not dealt with
11.7.12 Promoting family harmony
(Motion which was originally scheduled to be moved at the Council meeting of 16 May 2012.)
Motion not dealt with
11.7.12 Building an inclusive society for all
(Motion which was originally scheduled to be moved at the Council meeting of 23 May 2012.)
Motion not dealt with
11.7.12 Perfecting urban management in all districts of Hong Kong
(Motion which was originally scheduled to be moved at the Council meeting of 23 May 2012.)
Motion not dealt with
11.7.12 Promoting animal rights and interests
(Motion which was originally scheduled to be moved at the Council meeting of 30 May 2012.)
Motion not dealt with
11.7.12 Expeditiously implementing the formulation of standard working hours
(Motion which was originally scheduled to be moved at the Council meeting of 30 May 2012.)
Motion not dealt with
11.7.12 Report of the Subcommittee on Retirement Protection
(Motion which was originally scheduled to be moved at the Council meeting of 6 June 2012.)
Motion not dealt with
11.7.12 Reviewing the definition of and the support measures for small and medium-sized enterprises and micro-enterprises
(Motion which was originally scheduled to be moved at the Council meeting of 6 June 2012.)
Motion not dealt with
11.7.12 Report of the Subcommittee
(Motion which was originally scheduled to be moved at the Council meeting of 13 June 2012.)
Motion not dealt with
11.7.12 Maintaining a business-friendly environment in Hong Kong
(Motion which was originally scheduled to be moved at the Council meeting of 13 June 2012.)
Motion not dealt with
11.7.12 Improving public healthcare services
(Motion which was originally scheduled to be moved at the Council meeting of 20 June 2012.)
Motion not dealt with
11.7.12 Increasing land supply in Hong Kong and perfecting the land reserve system
(Motion which was originally scheduled to be moved at the Council meeting of 20 June 2012.)
Motion not dealt with
11.7.12 Vote of no confidence in the President of the Legislative Council
(Motion which was originally scheduled to be moved at the Council meeting of 27 June 2012.)
Motion not dealt with
11.7.12 Addressing the problem of small houses and village houses in the New Territories
(Motion which was originally scheduled to be moved at the Council meeting of 27 June 2012.)
Motion not dealt with
11.7.12 Report of the Subcommittee on Improving Barrier Free Access and Facilities for Persons with Disabilities
(Motion which was originally scheduled to be moved at the Council meeting of 4 July 2012.)
Motion not dealt with
11.7.12 Actively implementing the Mainland and Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement and the relevant new measures to promote the development of new industries in Hong Kong
(Motion which was originally scheduled to be moved at the Council meeting of 4 July 2012.)
Motion not dealt with
11.7.12 Report of the Select Committee to Study Mr LEUNG Chun-ying's Involvement as a Member of the Jury in the West Kowloon Reclamation Concept Plan Competition and Related Issues Motion not dealt with
11.7.12 Valedictory Motion Motion not dealt with
11.7.12 That this Council do now adjourn for the purpose of debating the following issues:

(a)the impact of the announcement made by the MTR Corporation Limited to increase its fares by 5.4% under the Fare Adjustment Mechanism ("FAM") on the general public, as well as FAM, fare concession measures and the Government’s corresponding arrangements (raised by Hon CHEUNG Hok-ming); and

(b)the suicide of LI Wang-yang (raised by Hon LEUNG Kwok-hung).

(Motion on Adjournment moved upon the recommendation of the House Committee on 15.6.2012)

(Related rule: Rule 16(4))

(Motion which was originally scheduled to be moved at the Council meeting of 20 June 2012.)
Motion not dealt with