24 JUNE 2019 (MONDAY) FROM 2:30 P.M. TO 6:30 P.M. AND
26 JUNE 2019 (WEDNESDAY) FROM 8:30 A.M. TO 10:30 A.M.

Item No.Subject
1.EC(2019-20)9 Proposed creation of one permanent post of Senior Principal Executive Officer (D2) in the Social Welfare Department with immediate effect upon approval of the Finance Committee to head a new Planning and Development Branch to strengthen the planning, coordination and implementation of capital works projects of welfare premises and formulating departmental policies and procedures on all matters relating to project planning, implementation as well as management and maintenance for the provision of welfare facilities

(In attendance: Under Secretary for Labour and Welfare/Deputy Director of Social Welfare (Services)/Assistant Director of Social Welfare (Subventions))

(Discussed by the Panel on Welfare Services on 14.1.2019)

(Supplementary information paper (CB(2)1104/18-19(01)) provided by the Administration to the Panel)

2.EC(2019-20)10 Proposed creation of one permanent post of Administrative Officer Staff Grade B1 (D4)/ D4-equivalent non-civil service position in the Financial Secretary's Office with effect from the date of approval by the Finance Committee to strengthen its directorate support for assisting the Financial Secretary in the formulation and follow-up of Budget-related proposals as well as spearheading strategic tax policies and measures in Hong Kong

(In attendance: Under Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury/Deputy Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury (Treasury)/Deputy Director of Administration, Chief Secretary for Administration's Office)

(Discussed by the Panel on Financial Affairs on 3.6.2019)

3.EC(2019-20)11 Proposed creation of two supernumerary posts of one Government Engineer (D2) and one Chief Engineer (D1) in the Civil Engineering and Development Department for a period of about nine years with immediate effect upon approval of the Finance Committee up to 31 March 2028 to lead and support the Kai Tak Office for the overall co-ordination and implementation of on-going and upcoming projects for the Kai Tak Development

(In attendance: Principal Assistant Secretary for Development (Works)/Assistant Secretary for Development (Works Policies 2)/Project Manager (East), Civil Engineering and Development Department/Assistant Director of Civil Engineering and Development (Administration)/Chief Engineer (E5), Civil Engineering and Development Department/Senior Engineer (15(E)), Civil Engineering and Development Department)

(Discussed by the Panel on Development on 30.4.2019)

(Supplementary information paper (CB(1)1085/18-19(01)) provided by the Administration to the Panel)
