Broadcasting and media

Paper no.TitlePublication date
IN14/20-21 Measures to tackle disinformation in selected places 2021.06.23
ISE10/19-20 Measures to tackle online disinformation 2020.07.16
ISE13/15-16 Challenges of the film industry in Hong Kong 2016.03.23
FS04/12-13 A summary of local press reports on issues relating to the discontinuation of broadcasting services by Digital Broadcasting Corporation Hong Kong Limited (Based on local press reporting from 24 March 2011 to 25 October 2012) (Chinese version only) 2012.10.25
FS15/11-12 Media literacy education 2012.02.06
IN11/11-12 Election broadcasting in selected places 2012.02.01
FS07/11-12 A summary of local press reports on adjustments to the presentation of phone-in programmes of Radio Television Hong Kong from 23 November to 8 December 2011 (Chinese version only) 2011.12.08
IN18/09-10 Regulation of advertising and sponsorship for commercial radio broadcasting in selected places 2010.06.10
RP07/07-08 Regulation of radio broadcasting services in selected places

This research studies the regulation of radio broadcasting services other than public service broadcasting in Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia and the United States. It focuses on the following aspects: the government's radio broadcasting policy; the regulatory authority of radio broadcasting services; the allocation of broadcasting spectrum; the licensing of radio broadcasting services; broadcasting licence fees; efforts to promote public access channels; and the development of digital radio broadcasting.
IN07/06-07 Mobile Television 2007.02.05
  Public service broadcasting in selected places  
• Public Service Broadcasting in Selected Places

This research examines public service broadcasting in Hong Kong, Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States. It covers (a) background of the national public service broadcaster(s), (b) regulatory framework; (c) editorial independence; (d) sources of funding; (e) corporate governance; (f) accountability; (g) programme diversity; (h) distinctiveness from commercial broadcasters; and (i) review of the national public service broadcaster(s).
• Editorial/Producers' Guidelines of Public Service Broadcasters in Selected Places
• Public Service Broadcasting in Australia
• Public Service Broadcasting in Germany
• Public Service Broadcasting in Canada, Germany, the United Kingdom and the United States
  Digital audio broadcasting in selected places  
• Digital Audio Broadcasting in Finland and Sweden
• Digital Audio Broadcasting and Digital Multimedia Broadcasting in Guangdong's Radio Foshan (Chinese version only)
• Digital Audio Broadcasting
  Newspaper reports on broadcasting services of Radio Television Hong Kong  
• Newspaper Reports on Broadcasting Services of Radio Television Hong Kong (18 January 2005 to 20 July 2005) (Chinese version only)
• Newspaper Reports on Broadcasting Services of Radio Television Hong Kong (18 January 2005 to 11 July 2005) (Chinese version only)
  Development of creative industries in selected places  
• Development of Creative Industries in Singapore
• Development of Creative Industries in the United Kingdom
IN20/01-02 South Korea - Overseas Duty Visit by the Panel on Information Technology and Broadcasting 2002.03.27
RP01/99-00 The Regulation of Media Intrusion of Privacy: The Experiences in Taiwan, the United Kingdom and the United States

This research examines the various modes of regulation regarding media intrusion of privacy adopted in Taiwan, the United Kingdom and the United States, including statutory regulation and self-regulatory mechanism.
RP11/94-95 Newspaper Licensing and Distribution Systems in Hong Kong

This research provides general information on the newspaper licensing and distribution systems in Hong Kong. It covers the registration of newspapers, licensing of newspaper distributors, and the newspaper distribution system in Hong Kong. It also gives a brief account on the registration and regulation of newspapers in Australia, Austria, Canada, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States.