Strengthening Public Consultation

To enhance the transparency of our decision-making process, we promulgated in February 2006, after taking into account industry comments, a Guide on the Consultation Process of the Broadcasting Authority.

This Guide sets out our approach to strengthening the Authority's consultation process in the discharge of its various statutory duties. Our website will be better used to disseminate information such as licence applications, and to gauge public views before we take important decisions such as making changes to our Codes of Practices. In addition, territory-wide surveys, focus group discussions and consultation with relevant licensees, professional bodies or enforcement agencies will be conducted on major decisions that affect the industry and the community.

These new measures signify our commitment to adopting an open and participatory approach supported by evidence in our decision-making process. Those who may be affected by or concerned about a particular issue will be able to provide feedback to facilitate us making an informed decision.


Protecting Public Morals

The Authority diligently discharged its duties to secure proper standards of television and sound broadcasting. In the year under review, through our Complaints Committee, we processed over 5,885 complaints concerning broadcast content. We treat each and every complaint seriously to ensure that broadcast programmes respect public morals and decency consistent with the community's expectations. We have also reviewed relevant codes of practice for programme and advertising standards and removed superfluous obligations on licensees so as to allow them to operate with greater flexibility.



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