Panel on Housing

Meeting on
Monday, 2 March 2015, at 2:30 pm
in Conference Room 3 of the Legislative Council Complex

Revised agenda
(as at 27 February 2015)


Information papers issued since last meeting

LC Paper No. CB(1)513/14-15(01)
(issued on 4 February 2015)

-Land Registry Statistics for January 2015 provided by the Administration (press release)

LC Paper No. CB(1)518/14-15(01)
(issued on 5 February 2015)

-Referral memorandum from the Public Complaints Office of the Legislative Council Secretariat regarding views on The Ombudsman's report on Mechanisms Used to Review and Monitor Eligibility of Existing Tenants in Subsidized Public Housing (Chinese version only) (Restricted to Members)

LC Paper No. CB(1)524/14-15(01)
(issued on 6 February 2015)

- Referral arising from the meeting between Legislative Council members and Wong Tai Sin District Council members on 27 November 2014 regarding the new policy on "Universal Accessibility" (Chinese version only) (Restricted to Members)


Items for discussion at the next meeting

(2:30 pm - 2:35 pm)

LC Paper No. CB(1)575/14-15(01)
(issued on 24 February 2015)

-List of follow-up actions

LC Paper No. CB(1)575/14-15(02)
(revised version issued on 27 February 2015)

-List of outstanding items for discussion

*Legend symbol denoting All other Hon Members are invited to join the discussion of agenda items III and V. Agenda item V relates to an establishment proposal.III.

Review of Special Stamp Duty and Buyer's Stamp Duty

(2:35 pm - 3:30 pm)

LC Paper No. CB(1)575/14-15(03)
(issued on 26 February 2015)

-Administration's paper on "Review of Special Stamp Duty and Buyer's Stamp Duty"

LC Paper No. CB(1)575/14-15(04)
(issued on 26 February 2015)

-Background brief on "Special Stamp Duty and Buyer's Stamp Duty" prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat


Review of Income and Asset Limits for Public Rental Housing for 2015/16

(3:30 pm - 4:25 pm)

LC Paper No. CB(1)575/14-15(05)
(issued on 26 February 2015)

-Administration's paper on "Review of Income and Asset Limits for Public Rental Housing for 2015/16"

LC Paper No. CB(1)575/14-15(06)
(issued on 26 February 2015)

-Updated background brief on "Waiting List Income and Asset Limits" prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat

Relevant paper

LC Paper No. CB(1)517/14-15(01)
(issued on 5 February 2015)

- Referral arising from the meeting between Legislative Council members and Wong Tai Sin District Council members on 27 November 2014 regarding the review of income and asset declaration and reintroduction of the sale of public rental housing flats (Chinese version only) (Restricted to Members)

*Legend symbol denoting All other Hon Members are invited to join the discussion of agenda items III and V. Agenda item V relates to an establishment proposal.V.

Proposed creation of one permanent Chief Architect post in the Housing Department for coping with the additional workload arising from the further increase in public housing production target

(4:25 pm - 4:55 pm)

LC Paper No. CB(1)575/14-15(07)
(issued on 24 February 2015)

-Administration's paper on "Proposed creation of one permanent Chief Architect post in the Housing Department for coping with the additional workload arising from the further increase in public housing production target"


Any other business

(4:55 pm - 5:00 pm)

* All other Hon Members are invited to join the discussion of agenda items III and V. Agenda item V relates to an establishment proposal.

Council Business Division 1
Legislative Council Secretariat
27 February 2015