10. Positive Programme Requirements

A domestic free television programme service licensee was required to broadcast at least 41.5 hours of positive programmes25 per week. Both ATV and TVB met the requirements under their respective licences on both Cantonese and English channels during the period under review. In aggregate, ATV and TVB each broadcast a weekly average of 103 hours of positive programmes.  

The reports of the licensees submitted to the Authority on the four types of positive programmes, i.e. children's programmes, programmes for young persons, programmes for senior citizens and arts and culture programmes, are at

Figure 27: Broadcast of Positive Programmes on Cantonese TV Channels


ATV and TVB were required to provide Chinese subtitles for all news, current affairs, weather reports and emergency announcements as well as programmes during prime time (7:00p.m. - 11:00p.m.) on the Cantonese channels, and English subtitles for all news, current affairs, weather programmes, emergency announcements and the two hours of English educational programmes for teenagers per week on the English channels. By and large, both ATV and TVB complied with the requirements on provision of subtitles.

Both licensees also broadcast one minute of Announcements in Public Interest (APIs) each broadcast hour and two minutes each week of publicity material for the Authority, pursuant to the licence requirements. During the period under review, the licensees broadcast a total of 568.5 hours of such materials.

As regards radio services, a sound broadcasting licensee was required to broadcast at least 6.3 hours of positive programmes26 per week. Overall, both CRHK and Metro complied with the licence conditions on broadcast of positive programmes, one minute of APIs in each broadcast hour and 30 seconds of publicity material for the Authority in each week.

Figure 28: Provision of Positive Programmes on Radio



The "positive programmes" ATV and TVB required to broadcast are news, current affairs programmes, documentary, art and culture programmes, children's programmes and programmes for senior citizens and young persons.


The "positive programmes" CRHK and Metro required to broadcast are news and weather programmes, current affairs programmes, art and culture programmes and advisory programmes, viz. programmes for young persons and senior citizens.

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