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2. The Broadcasting Landscape

2.1 Number of Licensees2.2 Number of Channels
2.3 Number of Broadcast Hours2.4 Number of Hours of Station Productions

2.3 Number of Broadcast Hours

The licensees broadcast 47,504 hours of programmes a week4 to the viewers in Hong Kong in August 2006 (8.8% increase over 2005). The four channels of ATV and TVB provided a total of 640 broadcast hours per week (0.16% increase over 2005) as at August 2006 while the 239 channels of domestic pay television programme service licensees, 39,640 hours (14% increase over 2005). The 43 channels of non-domestic television programme service licensees receivable in Hong Kong provided a total of 7,224 hours (12.2% decrease over 2005) per week. The weekly number of broadcast hours for sound broadcasting (including RTHK) was 2,184 (same as 2005). The respective weekly hours of different categories of licensees as at August 2006 are shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5 :   Weekly Broadcast Hours in August 2006



The weekly number is based on a sample week in August 2006.
