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Members of the public are welcome to join the online tour of the LegCo Complex.
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  • Visit arrangements
  • Observing meetings
  • Visitor guidelines
  • Getting here
  • Opening hours

Visiting the LegCo

Members of the public are welcome to visit the Legislative Council ("LegCo") Complex for the following purposes:
Members of the public entering the LegCo Complex should refer to the Security screening arrangements for admission to the Legislative Council Complex.

Centralized Booking Hotline

To provide a one-stop service for the public, a centralized booking hotline is set up to receive phone calls from the public for:
  • (a)
    reserving seats in the Public Galleries to observe open meetings of the Council and it committees; and
  • (b)
    booking of a place for the use of the Children's Corner.
Centralized Booking Hotline
(852) 3919 3399
9:00 am to 6:00 pm, Mondays to Fridays (Except public holidays)

Special arrangements

Members of the public are welcome to observe the proceedings of the Council and open meetings of its committees.
  • Reservation of seats in the public galleries will be opened two weeks prior to the relevant meeting date and seats are subject to availability. Schedule of meetings is available on the LegCo Calendar on the LegCo Website.
  • For reservation, please call the centralized booking hotline at (852) 3919 3399*. Seats are allocated on a first-come-first-served basis.
  • For members of the public who have reserved seats

    The reserved seats must be claimed within 15 minutes of the booked time. Otherwise, the seats will be allocated to members of the public awaiting on-site.
  • For members of the public awaiting on-site for allocation of seat

    Members of the public who have not reserved seats to observe a meeting may come to the LegCo Complex before or during the meeting to wait for allocation of unoccupied seats in the public galleries. Unoccupied seats, if any, will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis.
  • Members of the public observing meetings in the public galleries in the LegCo Complex should refer to the Note for members of the public attending meetings in conference rooms or observing meetings in public galleries in the Legislative Council Complex.

*The hotline operates from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm, Mondays to Fridays (except public holidays).
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Security screening arrangements for admission to the Legislative Council Complex
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This Note sets out the security screening arrangements for admission to the Legislative Council ("LegCo") Complex. For members of the public attending meetings in conference rooms or observing meetings in public galleries, please also refer to the "Note for members of the public attending meetings in conference rooms or observing meetings in public galleries in the Legislative Council Complex".
2.To enhance the security of the LegCo Complex and to enforce the relevant provisions of the Legislative Council (Powers and Privileges) Ordinance (Cap. 382) and the Administrative Instructions for Regulating Admittance and Conduct of Persons (Cap. 382 sub. leg. A) ("AIs"), all persons seeking to enter the LegCo Complex (except persons holding valid access cards issued by the LegCo Secretariat1) ("the persons concerned") are required to:
(a)produce their proof of identity (e.g. identity card, travel document) to staff of the LegCo Secretariat for inspection and registration; and
(b)pass through a metal detector archway and have their belongings screened by an X-ray machine at the entrance of the LegCo Complex2.
3.For the purposes set out in paragraph 2, staff of the LegCo Secretariat will register:
(a)the names and the numbers of the proof of identity of the persons concerned and their purposes of visit; and
(b)(to protect the interests of the persons concerned who are minors) the information that the persons are under 16.
4.When the Amber or Red Alert is issued by the LegCo Secretariat, all persons seeking to enter the LegCo Complex (including but not limited to LegCo Members, Members' staff, public officers, LegCo Secretariat staff and media representatives) are required to go through the security screening procedures stated in paragraph 23.
5.Any person who fails to produce his proof of identity for inspection and registration or pass through security screening will not be admitted to the LegCo Complex.
6.If the persons concerned so wish, they may provide to staff of the LegCo Secretariat for registration their telephone numbers for communication purposes in relation to their visits to the LegCo Complex.
7.All personal data collected will be handled in accordance with the requirements under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486). The personal data collected will only be used for purposes consistent with or directly related to the original purposes of collection set out in paragraph 2 or 6 or where permitted by law. Unless required or permitted by law, the LegCo Secretariat will not disclose the personal data collected to any third parties without the consent of the persons concerned. The personal data collected will not be kept longer than is necessary for the fulfillment of the purposes for which the data is or is to be used.
8.Data access requests and/or requests for correction of personal data under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486) should be addressed to the Personal Data Privacy Officer of the LegCo Secretariat who may be contacted at 3919 3014.
9.In accordance with section 8(3) of Cap. 382, the President of the LegCo has issued the AIs for the purpose of maintaining the security of the precincts of the Chamber and ensuring the proper behaviour and decorum of persons therein. Section 20(b) of Cap. 382 provides that any person, other than a Member or an officer of the Council, who contravenes AIs, or any direction given thereunder, regulating the admittance of persons to or the conduct of persons within the Chamber or the precincts of the Chamber, commits an offence and is liable to a fine of $2,000 and to imprisonment for three months.
10.Any enquiry on this Note may be directed to the Duty Security Officer of the LegCo Secretariat at 3919 3044.

Legislative Council Secretariat
1 May 2016

1Access cards issued by the LegCo Secretariat include access cards or admission passes issued to Members, Members' staff, LegCo Secretariat staff, media representatives, public officers and contractors' staff, but do not include temporary admission passes for media representatives.

2Items which would normally be prohibited from being brought into the LegCo Complex include without limitation explosives, flammable liquids, corrosive substances, firearms and ammunition, devices for shocking, and the weapons prohibited under the Weapons Ordinance (Cap. 217).

3For the purpose of paragraph 2(a), persons who have been issued with valid access cards may show such cards to staff of the LegCo Secretariat for inspection.
Note for members of the public attending meetings in conference rooms or observing meetings in public galleries in the Legislative Council Complex
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Members of the public visiting the Legislative Council ("LegCo") Complex for attending meetings in conference rooms or observing meetings in public galleries are invited to note the security measures set out in this Note.

Admittance to the LegCo Complex for attending meetings in conference rooms or observing meetings in public galleries

2.To enforce the relevant provisions of the Legislative Council (Powers and Privileges) Ordinance (Cap. 382) and the Administrative Instructions for Regulating Admittance and Conduct of Persons (Cap. 382 sub. leg. A) ("AIs") which are made for maintaining the security of the precincts of the Chamber and ensuring the proper behaviour and decorum of persons therein, any person seeking to attend meetings in conference rooms or observing meetings in public galleries ("the person concerned") has to:
(a)produce his proof of identity (e.g. identity card, travel document) to staff of the LegCo Secretariat for registration; and
(b)pass through security check at the entrance of the LegCo Complex, conference rooms or public galleries.
3.For the purpose set out in paragraph 2, staff of the LegCo Secretariat will register:
(a)the name and the number of the proof of identity of the person concerned as well as the meeting he will attend or observe; and
(b)(to protect the interests of the person concerned who is a minor) the information that the person is under 16.
4.Any person who fails to produce his proof of identity for registration or pass through security check will not be admitted to the LegCo Complex, conference rooms or public galleries for the purpose of attending or observing meetings. He may submit written submissions to the committees concerned to express his views, or watch the meeting through the LegCo Webcast by using the public workstations in the LegCo Library if required.
5.If the person concerned wishes, he may provide to staff of the LegCo Secretariat for their registration his telephone number for communication purposes in relation to his visit to the LegCo Complex.
6.All personal data collected will be handled in accordance with the requirements under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486). The personal data collected will only be used for purposes consistent with or directly related to the original purpose of collection set out in paragraph 2 or 5 or where permitted by law. Unless required or permitted by law, the LegCo Secretariat will not disclose the personal data collected to any third parties without the consent of the persons concerned. The personal data collected will not be kept longer than is necessary for the fulfillment of the purposes for which the data is or is to be used.
7.A member of the public may require access to and/or correction of his personal data under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486), and he may contact the Duty Security Officer of the LegCo Secretariat at 3919 3044 for data access/correction requests.

Behaviour and conduct in conference rooms and public galleries

8.In accordance with section 8(3) of Cap. 382, the President of the LegCo has issued AIs for the purpose of maintaining the security of the precincts of the Chamber and ensuring the proper behaviour and decorum of persons therein. Section 20(b) of Cap. 382 provides that any person, other than a Member or an officer of the Council, who contravenes AIs, or any direction given thereunder, regulating the admittance of persons to or the conduct of persons within the Chamber or the precincts of the Chamber, commits an offence and is liable to a fine of $2,000 and to imprisonment for three months.
9.Pursuant to AIs, members of the public are required to comply with the following rules when they are in conference rooms or public galleries:
(a)Behave in an orderly manner
(b)Display a pass issued to them by officers of the Council
(c)Turn off pagers and mobile phones
(d)Sit as directed by officers of the Council
(e)Do not carry any item of baggage other than a handbag or similar item
(f)Do not eat or drink in public galleries
(g)Do not take photograph or make any video of the proceedings
(h)Do not display sign, message or banner
(i)Do not clamour or chant slogans
(j)Comply with any direction given by officers of the Council for the purpose of keeping order
For item (e), members of the public may deposit their baggage in the lockers at the LegCo Complex. Bringing articles such as liquid, sharp objects, balloons and dangerous goods which will pose a risk to the safety of users in the LegCo Complex is not allowed.

Handling of disturbance caused in conference rooms and public galleries

10.Section 17(c) of Cap. 382 provides that any person who creates or joins in any disturbance which interrupts or is likely to interrupt the proceedings of the Council or a committee while the Council or such committee is sitting commits an offence and is liable to a fine of $10,000 and to imprisonment for 12 months, and in the case of a continuing offence to a further fine of $2,000 for each day on which the offence continues.
11.The Legislative Council Commission has issued the following guidelines for handling any member of the public who is suspected to have committed any of the above offences, contravened any of the above provisions or otherwise caused disturbance in the LegCo Complex:
(a)Circumstances under which no further action will be taken by the LegCo Secretariat -
The person concerned immediately stops shouting slogans, displaying signs, or causing obstruction or disruption in the conference room or public gallery as soon as he is given verbal warning by the Member presiding at a meeting/security staff of the LegCo Secretariat.
(b)Circumstances under which the person concerned is to be removed from the conference room or public gallery and a record of the removal is kept etc. -
(i)The person concerned repeatedly shouts slogans, display signs, or causes obstruction or disruption in the conference room or public gallery although he stops every time upon being given warning, or he refuses to stop shouting slogans, displaying signs, or causing obstruction or disruption in spite of warnings given by the Member presiding at a meeting/security staff of the LegCo Secretariat.
(ii)Upon an order of removal given by the Member presiding at a meeting/Chief Security Officer of the LegCo Secretariat, the person concerned leaves the conference room or public gallery by himself.
(iii)The person who has been removed from the conference room or public gallery will be informed that he is suspected to have contravened the relevant provisions of Cap. 382 and AIs by creating disturbance in the conference room or public gallery of the LegCo Complex, and will be reminded that should there be a similar occurrence in the future, the LegCo Secretariat will refer the case to the Police. The LegCo Secretariat will keep a record of his removal from the conference room or public gallery and will inform the person concerned that such record has been kept.
(c)Circumstances under which the person concerned is to be handed over to the Police after he has been removed from the conference room or public gallery -
(i)The person concerned engages in any unsafe, unhygienic, illegal, disorderly, violent or offensive behaviour and has to be removed from the conference room or public gallery of the LegCo Complex by the security staff of the LegCo Secretariat.
(ii)The person concerned has caused injury to himself and/or others, or damage to property belonging to others.
(iii)The person concerned throws articles in the conference room or from the public gallery to the conference room.
(iv)The person concerned has a record of having been removed from the conference room or public gallery and informed of the consequence should he cause disruption again.
(d)Circumstances under which a person removed may be refused re-admission to the LegCo Complex -
A person removed from the conference room or public gallery under the circumstances described in paragraphs 11(b) or 11(c) may be refused re-admission to the conference room or public gallery during the same meeting.


12.Any enquiry on this Note may be directed to the Duty Security Officer of the LegCo Secretariat at 3919 3044.

Legislative Council Secretariat
December 2016
Guidelines for staging petitions or demonstrations by individuals and groups at designated demonstration areas in premises managed by The Legislative Council Commission (Amended on 27 November 2018)
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Individuals and groups are generally allowed to stage petitions or demonstrations at designated demonstration areas ("DDA") in premises managed by The Legislative Council Commission ("the Commission").1 The location and size of DDA will be decided by staff of the Legislative Council Secretariat ("the Secretariat"), having regard to the number of demonstrators and other safety, security and operational considerations. Staff of the Secretariat may direct different groups of demonstrators to take up separate positions within DDA to ensure safety and order. Press Areas may be set up and media representatives should stay in designated Press Areas. If media representatives are to cover the petition or demonstration at a place outside the designated Press Areas, they should position themselves in accordance with directions given by staff of the Secretariat.

Relevant statutory provisions

2.Organizers should note the provisions in the Public Order Ordinance (Cap. 245) concerning public gatherings, public meetings and public processions, and requirements to notify the Commissioner of Police. Organizers should comply with all applicable ordinances, regulations, rules or technical memoranda in connection with the proposed public gatherings, public meetings, public processions and activities to be conducted in those gatherings, meetings and processions.
3.Demonstrators should note and comply with the provisions in the Administrative Instructions for Regulating Admittance and Conduct of Persons (Cap. 382A) issued under section 8(3) of the Legislative Council (Powers and Privileges) Ordinance (Cap. 382) for the purpose of maintaining the security of the precincts of the Chamber, ensuring the proper behaviour and decorum of persons therein and for other administrative purposes.

Conditions of use

4.DDA is open to the public every day during specified hours for staging petitions or demonstrations. The Commission reserves the right to change the opening hours of or close the DDA without prior notice. The conditions as to the use of DDA for public gatherings, public meetings and public processions are set out below –
    (a)no person shall stage petitions or demonstrations in DDA outside its daily opening hours, i.e. 7:00 am to 11:00 pm or, on days when meetings of LegCo are held, from 7:00 am to 11:00 pm or to one hour after the LegCo meeting of the day is suspended or after the Council is adjourned, whichever is later;
    (b)the event organizer or, if not present, a person nominated to act in his place, is to be present throughout the event;
    (c)using, placing, erecting or keeping any erected tent, or sleeping equipment is prohibited; no structure designed or adapted for the purpose of facilitating sleeping is allowed;
    (d)using, placing, erecting or keeping any stage, stage with backdrop or any other temporary structure which, in the opinion of staff of the Secretariat, may pose safety hazards to persons using DDA, is prohibited;
    (e)any behaviour/activity or item which may pose a fire hazard is prohibited;
    (f)defacing of the surface of any external wall, glass panel, column, ground, or any other structure or public property in the premises managed by the Commission is prohibited;
    (g)sound amplification equipment may be used but it must be directed away from the building of LegCo Complex and the noise levels must not be offensive or harmful or unreasonably interfere with the use of the LegCo Complex by other persons in the course of their business;
    (h)no person or object shall obstruct the Emergency Vehicular Access ("EVA"), emergency exits of the LegCo Complex or interfere with the use of the LegCo Complex by other persons in the course of their business; and
    (i)demonstrators must comply with all directions given by staff of the Secretariat.
5.Demonstrators shall maintain good order, environmental hygiene and public safety. Demonstrators are also advised to take good care of their personal belongings. All items, including posters, banners, objects, or notices brought by the demonstrators as well as personal belongings, foodstuffs and refuse must be removed by demonstrators upon leaving DDA. Any unattended objects found on the premises managed by the Commission and objects causing obstruction to the EVA or emergency exits of the LegCo Complex will be dealt with or disposed of as the Secretariat sees fit.

Liability for damages or compensation

6.The Commission reserves the right to claim compensation from demonstrators for the property loss or damage sustained by the Commission arising from or out of their behaviour, activities or objects used while staging petitions or demonstrations in DDA.
7.Neither the Commission nor any of its employees or agents is responsible for any property loss or damage sustained by any person using DDA, whether such loss or damage is occasioned by the negligence of the Commission, its employees or agents, or by any other causes whatsoever. The Commission, its employees and/or agents do not accept responsibilities for any bodily injuries (howsoever caused except those resulting from negligence) sustained by any person using DDA.

Failure to comply

8.For the purpose of ensuring safety, security or good order, the Commission may deny a person's admission to, or require a person already admitted to leave, the premises managed by the Commission, in the event of that person's failure to comply with any of the conditions, or for unsafe, unhygienic, illegal, disorderly, or offensive behaviour, or in circumstances where the staff of the Secretariat consider it necessary. The Commission reserves the right to take legal action against the use of DDA in contravention of the conditions of use.
9.Any person who contravenes the administrative instructions issued under section 8(3) of the Legislative Council (Powers and Privileges) Ordinance (Cap. 382) referred to in paragraph 3 above commits an offence and is liable to a fine of $2,000 and to imprisonment for 3 months. Under section 19(b) of Cap. 382, any person who resists or obstructs any officer of the Council while in execution of his duty commits an offence and is liable to a fine of $10,000 and to imprisonment for 12 months.

Amendment to the Guidelines

10.The Commission reserves the right to amend the "Guidelines for staging petitions or demonstrations by individuals and groups at designated demonstration areas in premises managed by The Legislative Council Commission" at any time without prior notice.

Legislative Council Secretariat
27 November 2018

1Individuals or groups staging petitions or demonstrations at DDA are referred to as "demonstrators" in these Guidelines.
Visitor Tips
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To ensure all users of the LegCo Complex have an enjoyable experience in using the services and facilities in the LegCo Complex, all visitors are requested to act responsibly in a manner that is respectful to others with courtesy, dignity and positive regard to the Council, and to obey instructions given by security staff for the purposes of maintaining the security of the Complex, ensuring the proper behaviour and decorum of persons therein, and for other administrative purposes.
Visitor tips for all visitors
All visitors to the LegCo Complex are expected to
  • dress properly
  • wear the visitor passes at all times
  • behave in an orderly manner and observe the signs and notices posted in the LegCo Complex
  • comply with directions given by security staff
Visitors should
  • NOT enter any part of the LegCo Complex that is closed to visitors
  • NOT participate in any form of demonstration, clamour or chant slogans
  • NOT obstruct or disturb any person in the lawful use of the facilities
  • NOT deface or damage any wall, door, furniture, fitting or exhibit
  • NOT smoke in the LegCo Complex
Security procedures will be in place for all persons entering the LegCo Complex.
  • Handbags and other personal belongings may be subject to examination by x-ray machines and search
  • Prohibited items will be not allowed to be taken into the LegCo Complex and visitors will be requested to deposit these at lockers at the entrance to the Main Lobby or public galleries. Prohibited items include:
    1. weapons or sharp implements, such as scissors and knives;
    2. dangerous goods, including flammable substance, corrosive substances, noxious items and gas cylinders;
    3. animals;
    4. baggage other than a handbag or similar sized item; and
    5. any item that the Secretary General may prohibit from time to time.
In the event that a visitor fails to comply with the above conditions for admission, staff of the Secretariat reserves the right to refuse entry to any part of the LegCo Complex. Any breach of the conditions will also result in the person responsible being asked to either stop the act or leave.
Members of the public attending meetings in conference rooms or observing meetings in public galleries in the Legislative Council Complex
  • Members of the public attending meetings in conference rooms or observing meetings in public galleries should read the relevant Note.
Visitors with babies and young children
  • Child-level toilets, baby changing facilities and breast-feeding rooms are available in the Main Lobby of the LegCo Complex.
  • Prams/baby strollers are allowed in the LegCo Complex.
  • Visitors with pram/baby strollers can use the lift to access to different levels of the LegCo Complex. Please contact our Visitor Assistants for arrangement.
Elderly visitors or visitors travelling with elderly
  • Lifts are available for convenient access to different levels of the LegCo Complex. Visitors with disabilities, elderly or frail visitors can use the lift to access to different levels of the LegCo Complex.
Visitors with disabilities
  • The LegCo Complex adopts a barrier-free design to facilitate visits by visitors with disabilities. In addition, all entrances of the LegCo Complex are wheelchair accessible.
  • Visitors with disabilities and their accompanying persons can have direct access to the Footbridge Entrance of the LegCo Complex via the covered pedestrian footbridge that connects the MTR Admiralty station and the LegCo Complex.
  • Lifts are available for convenient access to all levels of the LegCo Complex.
  • Accessible toilets designed for visitors with disabilities are available on every floor of the LegCo Complex.
  • Parking spaces are reserved for visitors with disabilities. Visitors in need are requested to contact the Tour Office at 3919 3441 prior to their visits to make arrangements.
Special arrangements for public services in the Legislative Council ("LegCo") Complex under inclement weather conditions
Warning signal is issued/in force before the opening hours of public services Warning signal is issued/in force during the opening hours of public services Warning signal is cancelled
Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No.8 or above Services will be suspended. Services will be suspended immediately. If the warning signal is cancelled before 3 pm, services will be resumed two hours thereafter.

If the warning signal is cancelled at or after 3 pm, services will be suspended for the whole day.
Black Rainstorm Signal Services are open as usual.

For visitors joining the guided tours of the LegCo Complex:
  1. If the warning signal is cancelled before 3 pm, services will be resumed two hours thereafter. For example, for a warning signal cancelled at 2:30 pm, guided tours with start times from 4:30 pm onwards will be conducted as scheduled.
  2. If guided tours are cancelled under inclement weather conditions, tour groups may contact the Visitor Services Team of the LegCo Secretariat for re-scheduling the visits. The Visitor Services Team may re-schedule another guided tour depending on tour sessions available.
  3. In case of other inclement weather or traffic incidents, tour groups may decide whether the scheduled tours be cancelled. If it is decided that the tours be cancelled, they should inform the Visitor Services Team as soon as possible.
  4. If the Education Bureau announces the suspension of classes of schools, scheduled guided tours for schools will be cancelled accordingly. However, if the school requests that guided tour be conducted as scheduled, the Visitor Services Team may, depending on the circumstances, make such special arrangements.
  5. The Visitor Services Team can be reached at 3919 3441.
Legislative Council Complex
1 Legislative Council Road, Central, Hong Kong
Public Entrance 2 (For visitors)
Footbridge Entrance (Visitors with disabilities can access the Complex via this entrance) Footbridge Entrance (Visitors with disabilities can access the Complex via this entrance)
Public Entrance 1 (For guided tours and members of the public)

For visitors with disabilities

The LegCo Complex adopts a barrier-free design to facilitate visits by visitors with disabilities.
Visitors with disabilities and their accompanying persons may refer to the Access to Legislative Council Complex Route Map for access to the LegCo Complex
Parking spaces are reserved for visitors with disabilities. Visitors in need are requested to contact the Tour Office at 3919 3441 prior to their visits to make arrangements.

For visiting groups

Visiting groups arriving by coaches may drop off/pick up visitors at Public Entrance 1 (Point C of the map) of the LegCo Complex. Vehicle access is via Legislative Council Road.

Opening hours

From 9:00 am to 6:00 pm, Mondays to Sundays
The Legislative Council Complex will be closed on the following public holidays:
  • The first day of January
  • The first and second day of Lunar New Year
  • Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Establishment Day
  • Christmas Day