Functions Organization Organization Chart

The Broadcasting Authority

The Broadcasting Authority (the Authority) is an independent statutory body established under the Broadcasting Authority Ordinance (BAO) (Cap. 391) for the regulation of the broadcasting industry. Its role is to regulate licensed television and radio broadcasters in Hong Kong through provisions in the Broadcasting Ordinance (BO) (Cap. 562), the Telecommunications Ordinance (Cap. 106) and the Broadcasting Authority Ordinance.

The Authority has the following functions:

  • PictureTo grant and renew licences for the provision of non-domestic and other licensable television programme services;

  • To make recommendations to the Chief Executive in Council on applications for and renewal of domestic free and domestic pay television licences and sound broadcasting licences;

  • To prepare and revise codes of practice setting standards for television and radio broadcasts;

  • To administer the relevant provisions in the Broadcasting Ordinance, including the competition provisions, as well as those in the broadcast licences and the code of practices issued by the Authority;

  • To ensure compliance by the licensees with the regulatory requirements governing such broadcasts;

  • To secure proper standards of television and sound broadcasting with regard to both programme content (including advertisements) and technical performance of broadcasts; and

  • To deal with complaints about broadcasts and impose sanctions on the broadcasters, if necessary.
